Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New School in Ville Ste-Catherine, Quebec

People living in the South Shore of Montreal will be happy to know we are expanding our network of schools in your area.

Ville Ste-Catherine will be home to our most recent addition of locations to help serve you better.

In charge of the school will be, originally a Tae Kwon Do Black Belt, Marc Beauchamp who made the switch after his first Fang Shen Do class at the St-Denis Montreal Location almost 7 years ago.

Now FSD Black Belt and nearing Sifu Level, he'll be assisted by Samuel Gagnon, one of his top students.

Marc is a perfect example of putting the lessons of FSD to work. Since I've known him, he's always done what he said he was going to do. He makes no excuses for himself. Exhibits great confidence and cares about his students' development.

If you live in the Ville Ste-Catherine area and want a new challenge, a different approach to martial arts training, and need to get physically fit fast, you'll soon be able to register on-line for a free VIP pass for one month of free classes.

You'll find the "Ville Ste-Catherine" link in our "Schools" section tomorrow.

Always growing!

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

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