Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Training with Anthony Kleeman

While in L.A., most of my training was hand to hand and ground work.

So when I finally got to work on my weapon skills (something I've been fascinated about since I'm about 6 years old ever since my father put a stick in my hands for me to learn) I felt right at home and comfortable working with Doce Pares Master Instructor, Anthony Kleeman.

It was like meeting a close cousin, many of the concepts and techniques were very similar to Fang Shen Do.

But taking from my own advice of having a Beginner's Mind even when doing something you're familiar with, paid off.

You must already know what the little phrase that kills development is.

It goes something like: "I already know that"

If you catch yourself saying that to yourself when reading, training, or at a seminar, make it a point to add the words: "But I need to learn it again"

It goes back to my point last week about reminding yourself.

How many things do you know but you haven't implemented or taken action on.

It's challenging enough to keep the things that matter the most to you at the forefront of your thoughts without also having the kind of "closed-mind-I-already-know-that" attitude that can stunt your growth.

Just something to look out for.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

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