Thursday, January 7, 2010

Put all the chances on your side.

China Ming Tombs Giant Turtle Sibok Martin Patenaude

Are you of the opinion that YOU create your own luck or that sacred objects can bring you luck?

Is the mere act of writing down goals enough to get you what you want?

Whatever you might believe, in the end, you'll have to take action towards your goals.

The reason I bring this up is I still ended up rubbing the turtle's head for longevity and good fortune at the Ming Tombs while on my trip to China last year.

I thought I'd better put all the chances on my side.

Same thing for your fitness goals.

Only relying on the actual exercises you're going to do and not paying attention to what you eat will lead to less than stellar results.

Or going at it alone and failing to have some sort of support through a group or club might be a challenge when your motivation and will power are tested.

Put all the chances on your side so you can achieve maximum success.

The first step is actually knowing what kind of exercises, in what order and at what frequency, you need to do them in.

You'll find the answer to these questions and more by getting to work on our Basic Strength Training Kit. It's the first step in acquiring the kind of foundation you need to make struggling with your weight, muscle toning issues and general health problems disappear.

Get started now.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

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