Friday, September 17, 2010

You're Invited!

If you happen to live in the Ottawa Area we've got something special for you tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the Grand-Opening of our newly renovated, state of the art facility we've just recently moved to.

And we'd like you to be part of the celebration.

Whether you're an active, inactive or past student we'd love to see you train with us during the day.

It's happening tomorrow at 270 Catherine St. with classes running all day starting at 11 am.

All subjects will be covered from Sanshou, Street Self-Defense, Grappling, Weapons and Conditioning for Health & Fitness.

You'll have a chance to learn sparring drills inside our UFC Octagon, listen to percussionist group MALOUKAI and watch demos which all ties in with our 31st Anniversary Celebration.

We know you'll be starved by the end of the day so we'll have the BBQ grilling away until your hunger is satisfied.

Get ready for some fun times with students from all around the Ottawa Valley. For sure, a day you won't want to miss!

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

P.S. New Product Alert! The finishing touches on this product are almost complete I'll be making the announcement very shortly on what and how you can get it.

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