Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Your Most Challenging Opponent

Do you ever think about that?

Who would be the worst opponent you would have to face?

Would it be against an unknown thug with a sinister look on his face in a dark alley?

An ex-convict just released from prison?

Or maybe Georges St-Pierre, Anderson Silva or Randy Couture?

The truth is, we're all fighting a relentless opponent.

An opponent that dwarfs any of today's fighters, criminals, or street gang bangers.

Do you know who it is?


Stress is your number one opponent.

Stress is who you should be watching out for and training to fight against.

It is all around us, every day, day and night and constantly attacking our immune system.

Stress is responsible for most illnesses and disease as well as premature aging.

Stress is on the rise and if we're not careful, IT will win the fight.

I hear you calling out: "So what am I supposed to do?"

For starters monitor how you feel throughout the day.

What is stressful for one person might not be for another.

If you love what you do for a living it doesn't feel like work therefore stress levels will be at a minimum.

What if you don't have a choice and you have to work at that job of yours that you hate? (Recent studies show that in excess of 80% of people do, no wonder stress levels are through the roof!)

If this is the case then you need to release stress with the best known solution known to man:


"But exercise IS a form of stress to our body?" you're right, but it depends: "HOW you exercise."

I've been talking about 2 great forms of safe exercises for a long time now.

Station Training and Neigong Training.

Both combined make for a perfect balance between the internal and the external.

Station Training is short and dynamic usually completed in under 15 minutes and Neigong increases blood flow to all organs, strengthens ligaments and tendons and flows your Chi through all meridians of your body for a truly rejuvenating sensation after a training session.

I urge you to check both out in the health section in the FSD Store.

Master Yourself,

Sibok M

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