Monday, March 3, 2008

Action without vision is a nightmare

Any exercise is not worth doing if you don't have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish, what you want to become, or how you want to feel.

Why does a prize fighter wake up at 5 am to run? There's a reason why they call them prize fighters. They fight for the prize. The Money.

Are they REALLY?

You have to look at the big picture. What they want to do with the money. That's what drives them.

Just like your fitness training program, the mere act of DOING the exercises isn't enough to keep you motivated. It won't keep you committed to the program.

What is your VISION?

What really gets your engine running?

Is it saying that you want to lose 10 pounds? Does that really get you all fired up?

There has to be a bigger reason than that.
You have to figure that out for yourself. What is YOUR reason for strength training.

When you're strength training remember:

Strength Training without vision is a waste.

Strength Training without counting reps is a waste.

Strength Training without keeping stats is a waste.

Strength Training without emotion is a waste.

Yeah that's right. Training without emotion is a waste.

The only way to include emotion in your workout is to attach a goal to it.

When you feel like quitting, that vision, that goal should appear in your mind. And you associate giving up on that exercise to failing at that goal.

The more emotional the goal the more intensity you will have in your workout. Thus, greater results.

Mine includes being a great role model for my kids, building my business, helping as many people as possible get health conscious and to reach for self-mastery through the martial arts, being in top shape well into my 80's, being a symbol of excellence in everything I undertake.

When you have a strong vision finding the motivation to train and stay committed to your fitness program is a piece of cake.

Take your goals and our strength training circuits, pit them against each other and see if you end up giving up on them (goals) or you'll find a new found motivation to keep fighting to reach them.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

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