Monday, March 3, 2008

Fight for Fun Tournament a Success

These are just some of the pictures from the Fight for Fun Weekend. We'll make sure to post more as they become available.

Ages varied between 5 years old to 40+ years old.

Over 100 participants and close to 400 spectators.

Participants from all over Eastern Canada.
3 rings.

Cage Fights for Charity.

Why would someone do this?
For Confidence & Fun. To engage in an activity that gets you moving.

Kids and Adults need to stay physically fit and active.
Participating in an event like this breaks the monotony of Sundays.

Kids worked on Grappling/Wrestling Skills.
They also worked on Sword techniques doing a drill called Samurai Drill.

Thank You to our Sponsors. We couldn't of done this without you.

Thank You to the Parents for taking the time to commute and bring your kids to this event.

Thank You to the students for being a part of this event.

We hope you enjoyed yourselves and stay tuned for the next one, coming soon!

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