A lot of people I meet who used to train or want to start training complain about Pain.
I've said it before: "Pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong."
What do most people do?
They numb the pain.
They take an Advil or some other pain reliever.
Not only is taking pain relievers hard on your kidneys, it doesn't go to the root of the problem.
It's only a Band-Aid solution.
Listen to your body.
Same thing with Headaches. Pop a pill again.
When are we going to stop popping pills every time we feel a bit of discomfort or pain?
Maybe it's telling you to breathe better. To breathe deeply and fully.
Maybe you need to massage your eyes and the pressure points around your eyes. It's proven, the stress of the day is absorbed through the eyes. Watch not to neglect them in your training.
And maybe you just need to move and stretch.
Your body is probably craving it. It needs it.
If you don't know where to start, let us guide you.
With over 30 years of experience we know exactly how to get your body feeling good and pain free.
You can get our flexibility training system right here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
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