If you've been following my e-mails for a while you'll remember me talking about Mushin and Shoshin states.
They are critical to your development both in martial arts or in your physical training.
Remember Mushin state stands for: "Fully present in the moment". Not to be stuck in the past or drifting in the future but being fully involved in the NOW moment. A pure state of mind, like when a young baby plays with a new toy.
And Shoshin stands for: "Beginner's Mind". To undertake any task how ever mundane or repetitive with child like optimism as if you were doing it for the first time, every time.
Today I wanted to focus on Fudoshin.
Before I dive into it, I believe weakness in this area is the reason so many people don't get the results they are looking for either when they start training in martial arts or when they start making fitness and conditioning a # 1 priority.
Some of you never get fully immersed in the training. Do not allow the mind to wander.
When you START training everything is fine. It's new and exciting.
But something happens after a while, for some it's after 1 month, others it's after 12 mths.
The mind steps in and starts questioning what you're doing, discourages you at times, tempting you to do nothing on your training day. After all, you're tired right? You should sleep in today?
You'll do it tomorrow?
Fudoshin stands for : "Immoveable Mind"
Let nothing distract you or take you off course. Know where you're going and go there with full commitment and intensity.
Our strength training program teaches you how to stay focused, never allowing your mind to wander. Try it and let me know your progress.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
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