"Is it the same as Tai Chi, Chi-Gong or Yoga? "
Before I answer that question let's take a look at what's out there when it comes to internal energy development.
The internal arts are getting more popular by the hour because aging baby boomers are looking to stay young and vibrant, healthy and disease free.
Even adolescents and young adults are drawn to this aspect of the martial arts since everyone knows the chinese are very advanced in terms of chi development, superhuman feats of strength, long life spans, and child like flexibility.
Who wouldn't want that?
There's something attractive about strenghtening the mind-body connection, making sure every organ functions efficiently, and becoming more knowledgeable when it comes to Chi and the meridians of the body.
If only every instructor in the martial arts taught this science.
I have a confession to make.
I can't stand some of the Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Yoga instructors sometimes.
Especially the ones who try to be overly spiritual to a point where it becomes really cheesy and mystical. Or the ones that talk really quietly and slowly, trying to show you how much control they have. Makes me think of the movie: "They call me Bruce".
There's this one memorable scene where the master is speaking to his students about control over one's self, mastering your emotions and how important it is to their development when suddenly the phone rings.
The master heads on over to his office to pick up the phone, it's a bill collector!
He goes on to swear, call names, basically scream at the guy for a few minutes while the students over hear everyhting until he hangs up and goes back on the training mat with a straight face and says: "As I was saying, you need control".
How many instructors have you seen do this?
Promote health and fitness then walk outside for a smoke and a coke?
You hear an instructor talk about respect, discipline and commitment but he's on his 3rd divorce.
I once saw a supposedly "Master", down 3 jumbo sized Ice teas laced with 10 packs of sugar twins at a business dinner. That would explain why he seems to have aged 30 years in the span of 5.
The martial arts is loaded with stories like this.
My point is, we've gone to great lengths to practice what we preach.
I've searched for what is taught in our Neigong training for a long time. I've had my share of disappointments until I finally found what I was looking for.
Is it the same as Tai Chi, Chi-Gong or Yoga?
The purpose is the same, the end result is the same, the difference lies in the presentation.
When you want to go somewhere fast do you prefer the long road or the shortcut?
This once underground style of internal work is 800 years old. It's a system designed by martial artists for martial artists.
It will strengthen you from the inside out. Unblock meridians. Flow your chi the way it was intended to and strengthen your martial art foundation.
You can try it risk free by visiting this link.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
P.S. Avoid and say good-bye to "posers", their goal is to purposely show you useless techniques making you feel like you're in a one paddle row boat. That's right going in circles is no fun. Get the full benefits of an effective internal martial art, learn Neigong now.
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