Thursday, April 30, 2009

Second Step to Mastery

Yesterday I talked about Mastery and it's different steps.

Walking this path isn't always easy but it is by far the most rewarding.

I believe everyone walks the path of mastery at some point in their life. It's just a matter of time.

Through the years I've heard so many prospects say: "I used to be in shape back in the day or I used to fit in a size 4" , some are just fed up and want to finally change the situation they're in, others are on the path and using every little tool we have to offer them so they stay on it.

You're either walking it now, have had or you're about to.

Many things can pull you away from it, I think you already know what those things are.

Can you think of a few?

Getting side tracked is part of the game.

Getting back on course is the ideal.

Whenever you feel yourself drifting off the path, remember the second step to mastery.


There are many parts to understanding vision. One I'd like you to focus on is getting in the habit of seeing the end result of your behavior or habits you undertake.

Ask yourself: "If I stick with __(fill in the blank)___ (whether it's good for you or bad), how will I feel, look, or be, 10, 20, 30 years from now?

Some of the choices we make don't require Psychic ability to realize it leads nowhere.

"End Vision" helps you get a glimpse into the future so that if you don't like what you see, you can get to work on changing it now while there's still time. If you're able to make that vision as real as possible (especially with destructive behavior you might be subjecting yourself to now) it can give you the motivation to stay on the path or get back on the path of mastery ASAP.

We've all heard and seen movies of the future where they show an alternate, dark future if the hero doesn't make the right choices. Be one that makes the right choices.

Start shaping the future you really want now and it starts with making regular, consistent strides in physical fitness.

This program will get you on track, guaranteed. FSD's Physical Fitness Program

Master Yourself,

Sifu Martin

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