Looking back on my mom and dad's humble beginnings to what they've accomplished during the past 30 years, it should serve as inspiration to anyone who ever felt like they didn't have a chance or that the odds were stacked up against them.
In the end, your success rests upon YOUR shoulders.
You can have great coaches, or maybe even bad instructors. You can read all the right books and articles.
You might have support or no support from your family.
You might be educated or self-taught.
You might have all the right credentials and diplomas on the wall. You might be broke or wealthy.
You might be young or old. You might be fearful or commited. None of those guarantee success or failure.
What you do need is a burning desire, a clear vision, enough of the right reasons for wanting to reach the goals you've set, and consistently following through on them.
Just being able to say: "I've been open for... or "I've been doing such and such for 30 years" isn't enough.
Stagnating for 30 years isn't success.
Just like training at the gym the same way for 3-4 years, repeating the same boring routine, not making any adjustments and not tracking your progress weekly isn't what I call a successful fitness program.
You should feel like you're steadily climbing.
You and I should always focus on what my dad calls: "The More".
More happiness.
More peace.
More strength.
More love.
More flexibility of mind and body.
More...you get the picture?
The "More principle" forces you to never set a limit or allow yourself to be complacent in any one area.
It's in our nature to slow down when we start feeling comfortable. It's also in our nature to stay trapped in our routines. If you do, there will be limited growth and a very average "life experience".
Who wants to be 90, look back and realize you just lived an average life?
Even just from a fitness standpoint, you know what they say about your stomach: "Take care of it for the first 50 years and it will take care of you for the next 50".
Look at your training the same way. Build a strong fitness foundation now so when you get more mature you won't need to deal with so many health issues you might see your parents or grand-parents have.
I think people get it.
Especially after seeing so many people training at our event last week.
Martial Arts is fun, stimulating, challenging, and rewarding.
There is no other activity that comes close to it.
As we prepare for another 30 years, many more people will realize the importance of mastering their body and minds through the daily practice of martial arts.
Only question is: Do YOU realize the importance of investing some time and energy into strengthening your fitness foundation?
You can fight the idea but eventually a visit to the doctor might point out high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, high cholesterol, back pain, low energy, or a weak immune system.
Or it might come in the form of feeling unfulfilled with what you've accomplished in some areas of your life and starting your martial art training just might give you that nudge you need to start wanting more for yourself and your family.
Intentio Superus (Aim Higher),
Sifu Martin
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