Your wife, spouse, girl-friend, partner, better half, soul mate, sister, daughter, mother, basically all women you care about in your life.
I trust you would never want anything to happen to them, you'd have peace of mind knowing they are safe and able to protect themselves if they were ever placed in danger?
Are you 100% sure they could protect themselves?
Imagine for a second that you're not there. They're either at home taking care of the kids or they always finish work late and walk alone to their car through an empty parking lot.
Your wife might be alone on a business trip. She might be on a vacation with "the girls".
I'm not implying that women need men to protect them, I'm just asking the question: "Do you believe the women in your life could fight off a potential attacker, a first date gone bad, a stalker, a crazy ex-boyfriend with 100% certainty?
I'm a strong believer that every women on the planet should be trained to quickly hurt or disable a man who tries to hurt, intimidate, harass, rape, or take, what doesn't belong to them".
All women should be physically fit, possess enough endurance to out-run an attacker and condition specific parts of their bodies which they can use to defend themselves.
Why leave it to chance or telling yourself: "It'll never happen to me" or worse waiting until something does happen and then quickly start a self-defense program? Doesn't make any sense.
I often overhear men asking themselves what to buy for St-Valentines or what to get for their wives birthday.
Who cares about the ring, clothes or any other material thing?
The gift of personal protection should be on the top of your list.
Don't you agree?
Nowhere in history have women been so empowered to reach for their goals and break out of the norm.
But on the flip side, at no other time have women been so exposed to falling in a potentially dangerous situation.
So where to start?
I agree at the first thought of having your wife or girl-friend know how to defend herself you're thinking: big cauliflower ears like most of the men in the UFC and a man's physique with a deep voice saying: "HEY honey get OVER here!"
That's not my idea of a self-defense program for women.
That's where my sister comes in.
She's a Bad-Ass.
Don't be fooled when you see her: sweet looking, delicate and friendly, enough to make you think my dad gave her, her black belt and Sifu title.
That's exactly how I see it. Actually, that's the point, you don't see it.
It becomes a secret weapon the women in your life possess which they can rely on to protect their ASS-ets.
How much is that worth to you? The piece of mind knowing they can take care of themselves when you're not there?
Is she worth 37$?
Imagine she's right next to you right now, Is she worth 37$?
Get her started with the basics here.
Thank me later.
Sifu Martin
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