It's always special to do these kinds of gatherings, gives me a chance to meet new students, gives the students a chance to be taught by someone different.
Some times the chief instructor of a school might say something or repeat a principle a dozen times to the students without it ever sinking in.
When that same principle is said by a guest instructor, it might click right away.
Don't ask me why but that happens regularly.
Are students more concentrated and listening better when there's someone different teaching them? Maybe.
Maybe it was what I was teaching.
The kind of seminar that instantly makes you understand where to press on the body to get compliance from an attacker.
Pain is a great teacher as you can see on Vincent's face above.
What I was teaching was the Kubotan training.
A tiny little piece of wood you can rely on when the odds are against you.
Since it's so small it can penetrate through muscle tissue and ligaments to deliver enough pain to control somebody or cause massive trauma when the weapon is used to actually strike the different areas of the body.
Mainly this weapon is used for control and personal protection. Once you complete the course you realize you don't need the weapon in hand to apply the principles you've learned.
Most of it is based on body manipulation and leverage.
Just like this section of the course where I explain:
"Where the head goes the body follows"
A critical element to unbalancing your opponent.
Being able to move your partner where you want them to go gives students a major confidence boost and hearing your partner moan in pain makes you realize not much pressure is needed to make it work.
Just like this teenager learned in the seminar, even if you're smaller you can still defend yourself against a bigger opponent when you know important lessons in human anatomy.
Working with different age groups and different sizes gave everyone in the seminar a chance to adjust themselves and improvise what they learned because in the end you don't choose who your attacker will be.
Think you might be interested in learning to use this innocent looking weapon?
Why be unprepared when you can have the tools to help you protect yourself or your family?
Pick up a copy our Kubotan Training on DVD. The only drawback of this training is finding a partner to work with after the first session. Ouch, It works!
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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