The Focus on Results Seminar.
It's a tradition to hold one every year at my Montreal, St-Denis location and have done so for the past 12 years but someone threatened this from happening again this year.
Bob Wall.
The F.O.R Seminar is always held in May of every year but since Bob was in town almost all of that month we were unable to keep with that tradition this year.
It's such a powerful experience, both rejuvenating for the people returning to do it and electrifying for the ones who are experiencing it for the first time.
It's a chance to recharge your batteries, regain focus on what you want if you feel like you're swaying away from your goals and it's a powerful metaphor for change.
Why change?
I'm not talking about changing who you are. I'm talking about changing certain habits that might be holding you back.
Your success or failure depends on very specific actions and choices you make.
Success in the end is only dependent on how many times you made the right choice.
Not necessarily what felt the best, because we all know some choices we need to make are often times painful at first, that's why most people choose the other, easier route.
Deliberately failing to act on what it is you really want because of a little 4 letter word: F.E.A.R
Well, F.E.A.R during this seminar kinda gets thrown in a blender and taken apart to a point where you are F.E.A.R-less.
What would you do or start immediately if you knew you couldn't fail?
If there was absolutely no Fear and no chance of failure, and only followed your heart, how would you design your ideal life?
These are the kinds of people training in our schools. People of action. Determined and focused.
Not willing to make excuses or whine about their situation, armed with the belief that any challenge or obstacle can be surmounted and finally, the resistance you might encounter while reaching for your goals come from only one place, you're own mind.
If you haven't already done so, join us here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
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