One of the questions I've been getting asked alot recently is: "Where can I buy the T-shirts you've been wearing at seminars?"
With good reason, they're really nice!
Finally we've had a new shipment come in and they're available for purchase.
These new T-shirts were unveiled at our 30 th Anniversary Competition and Activity Day back in March. To no surprise they sold out immediately.
I know alot of our students have been asking about them and that's why I thought I'd make the announcement today before we're sold out again.
One T-shirt in particular is called "Personal Monster".
In FSD, we explain to adults how each one of us has a Personal Monster inside of us.
Now wait a minute before you start thinking I've gone coo-coo, let me explain.
I'm referring to our primitive self.
The survival instinct we all possess which could be triggered by any one these types of attacks:
Physical Threat to self.
Physical Threat to family or someone you love.
An Attack on your beliefs and values.
Invasion of Property or Robbery
The desire to try again after failure
And on and on.
It represents your intensity, your un-willingness to give up.
You could just as easily call it your Inner Dragon, your Personal Protector, or The Guardian, etc...
It's the level of Emotional Intensity & Passion you bring to the table in every area of your life.
You've all seen Dead People walking around among us.
Looking and moving older than they really are. Complaining about a dead end job but never taking action to change their fate. Constant Negativity. Just going through the motions every day without significant breakthroughs.
Waiting for someone or something to come save them when we all know Action combined with Desire make things happen.
So when you wear that shirt that's what it represents. It just serves as a reminder of the power we all possess.
Get your own here and specify what size you want in the Special Instructions Box at check out.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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