So last night, I pulled out a copy of the movie and watched it.
When that movie came out it was the first time martial arts practice was portrayed as much more than just punches and kicks, there was a philosophy behind it. Martial Arts training was a way to better yourself, turning your focus inside and putting great importance on personal development.
Which is exactly the main of focus of Fang Shen Do training.
Using martial arts FIRST as a tool for self-improvement.
There's a part in the "Featurettes" section where a Bonsai master is interviewed and he goes on to give advice on how to preserve and assure proper growth and health of the Bonsai tree.
There's one thing in particular he said that made total sense to me and I hope you pull the same lesson from it and manage to put in application daily. 
It falls right in line with our philosophy:
"Trim Tree everyday. Change pot regularly. Tree grow forever"
There lies the secret to mastery.
If you follow that same advice in life and in martial arts there is no limit to what you can accomplish, at the same time feeling fulfilled, challenged and rejuvenated so you STAY on the path.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. There's a way to organize your thoughts and action steps daily while maintaining consistency. It comes free when you grab a copy of our Book: 10 secrets to building a Rock Solid Martial Arts Foundation. Get yours here.
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