Thursday, October 29, 2009
Mind like a Monkey
Calming the body is pretty easy.
There are many ways to do so via physical exercise, foot and body massage, a hot bath, sauna, etc...
Where it becomes difficult is with our mind.
The mind will never stop.
It will never be satisfied or at ease.
New thoughts will enter your mind as quickly as one is dismissed.
The first source of your thoughts come from your five senses.
Everything you've learned since you were born has entered through your five senses.
Naturally, your five senses often distract you from enjoying your relax time or your training time with a hefty supply of feedback such as:
Too hot. Too cold. I'm itchy. You're hungry. Need to move. I'm tired. My feet hurt. etc...
How do you shut it off?
While in China, this particular condition plagued me at first.
Out of my usual routine of doing several hundred reps to now stepping it up in the thousands and performing them at 1 and 5 am and at different times in the day, my mind literally was like a monkey.
Wandering. Questioning. Complaining.
Until I reminded myself what the master's wife had told me earlier.
There is no You. There is no Space. There is no Place. None of them exist. Only focus on the Chi. Bring your full attention, your spirit and your heart to that place and time will just fly by.
Time really did fly by. I've returned more motivated than ever to spread the elements of Neigong.
Before reaching the point of creating and mixing an energy bubble you need to get started on the foundation work of Neigong contained in the first installment in the series.
Here's the first step to reaching that level.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. There is a level of calmness you've never experienced before after training in Neigong. I want you to feel what I feel. Get started today.
There are many ways to do so via physical exercise, foot and body massage, a hot bath, sauna, etc...
Where it becomes difficult is with our mind.
The mind will never stop.
It will never be satisfied or at ease.
New thoughts will enter your mind as quickly as one is dismissed.
The first source of your thoughts come from your five senses.
Everything you've learned since you were born has entered through your five senses.
Naturally, your five senses often distract you from enjoying your relax time or your training time with a hefty supply of feedback such as:
Too hot. Too cold. I'm itchy. You're hungry. Need to move. I'm tired. My feet hurt. etc...
How do you shut it off?
While in China, this particular condition plagued me at first.
Out of my usual routine of doing several hundred reps to now stepping it up in the thousands and performing them at 1 and 5 am and at different times in the day, my mind literally was like a monkey.
Wandering. Questioning. Complaining.
Until I reminded myself what the master's wife had told me earlier.
There is no You. There is no Space. There is no Place. None of them exist. Only focus on the Chi. Bring your full attention, your spirit and your heart to that place and time will just fly by.
Time really did fly by. I've returned more motivated than ever to spread the elements of Neigong.
Before reaching the point of creating and mixing an energy bubble you need to get started on the foundation work of Neigong contained in the first installment in the series.
Here's the first step to reaching that level.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. There is a level of calmness you've never experienced before after training in Neigong. I want you to feel what I feel. Get started today.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Back Home
Last week I got back from China.
And slowly re-adjusting to our time zone.
I can't wait to share and upload some of the pictures and videos from my trip.
I wish more people could of seen and felt the things I experienced while traveling in the orient.
Through e-mails and blog posts you'll be able to get an idea of what I went through.
Check back often as I sift through several hundred pictures and videos and post them here on the website.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Intense Neigong Training Schedule
Here'a quick snapshot at the end of one of our workouts.
It's about 1:00 am.
Usually, Neigong training isn't as intensive as this.
But for our stay here and at the master's request we have to follow this traditional training schedule.
5 am to 7 am.
11 am to 1 pm.
5 pm to 7 pm.
11 pm to 1 am.
And so on, every day for 10 straight days.
That doesn't leave too much time to write blogs, e-mails, visit temples, talk to family and sleep!
But still I managed to do all of the above, barely.
If I could get 4 hours of sleep a night I was lucky.
This schedule follows the pattern of the sun and the moon and is focused on absorbing energy from both sources (Yin and Yang)
Disciples of the art are encouraged to seclude themselves once a year in this fashion for 2 to 4 weeks.
This is not a pre-requisite to getting results and understandably not for everyone.
Still it was a thrill and a challenge to go through it all.
Even while back here in Canada I still wake up at these times ready to train.
I'll be posting some more interesting training philosophies in the next few days.
Stay tuned,
Sibok M
Mind Your Step
I saw this sign at the Forbidden City.
Notice the choice of words.
Instead of the invasive: "WATCH YOUR STEP!"

A simple word change brings about a whole other meaning.
One of awareness and mindfulness.
The words you use have a direct effect on everything you do, your thoughts and the results you get.
Words you use are either empowering or disempowering you.
There are many word and phrase changes you can start switching to. The most obvious ones are those you use when it comes to your training, your relationships, your job, etc...
Notice the choice of words.
Instead of the invasive: "WATCH YOUR STEP!"
A simple word change brings about a whole other meaning.
One of awareness and mindfulness.
The words you use have a direct effect on everything you do, your thoughts and the results you get.
Words you use are either empowering or disempowering you.
There are many word and phrase changes you can start switching to. The most obvious ones are those you use when it comes to your training, your relationships, your job, etc...
When you wake up in the morning before going to work, what do you automatically think about or say to yourself?
Or before heading out to class for your weekly training?
You can be sure, using the right words while doing something extreme like firewalking is the difference in you reaching the other side safely.
Some words can bring about fear, doubt, and uncertainty while others foster confidence, determination, and follow through.
This weekend is our last firewalking event of the year. The whole experience revolves around making changes to self limiting beliefs, unlocking your potential, and deeply imprinting a pattern of success you can then transfer to any area of your life.
To register follow this link.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Meeting with the Master
Finally I get to meet a 15 th Generation student of the famous monk Tie-Song Tzi.

Seeing Raf interact with his master reminds me of how I, and other senior Sifus in Fang Shen Do interact with my dad.
There's a deep sense of friendship, lots of laughter and respect.
There is cause for celebration as East and West unite and share in spreading this internal art to the world.
I'm realizing as I'm writing this that meeting Raf was a blessing and this new journey in the internal world will be a fruitful one.
As I've said in the past it's important for Fang Shen Do to always be on the cutting edge of martial arts. Adding this new facet to our training will greatly benefit our students all around the world.
Although Neigong is very old and has been around for quite some time, most martial arts are strictly externally focused and the ones who are dubbing themselves "internal" are missing important components to increasing their Chi circulation that only neigong training can help stimulate.
Once the building blocks are in place (Through diligent Neigong training), internal art practitioners can take their Tai Chi or Bagua to a whole other level.
If you are training an internal art I strongly recommend you look into Neigong Training. It can save you years of frustration trying to get the results you really want.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Seeing Raf interact with his master reminds me of how I, and other senior Sifus in Fang Shen Do interact with my dad.
There's a deep sense of friendship, lots of laughter and respect.
There is cause for celebration as East and West unite and share in spreading this internal art to the world.
I'm realizing as I'm writing this that meeting Raf was a blessing and this new journey in the internal world will be a fruitful one.
As I've said in the past it's important for Fang Shen Do to always be on the cutting edge of martial arts. Adding this new facet to our training will greatly benefit our students all around the world.
Although Neigong is very old and has been around for quite some time, most martial arts are strictly externally focused and the ones who are dubbing themselves "internal" are missing important components to increasing their Chi circulation that only neigong training can help stimulate.
Once the building blocks are in place (Through diligent Neigong training), internal art practitioners can take their Tai Chi or Bagua to a whole other level.
If you are training an internal art I strongly recommend you look into Neigong Training. It can save you years of frustration trying to get the results you really want.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Like attracts Like
Like attracts Like. You've probably heard this saying before.

This picture taken at the Forbidden City off of a huge copper caldron used to store water in case of a fire reminded me of what my father always told me about "What you are looking for is looking for you".
Keeping your goals and desires at the forefront of your mind and reviewing them daily, insures you attract into your life the person or people, the circumstances, or the feeling you are looking for.
One way to be clear about what you want is to clearly write down what you want.
As simplistic as it might sound, the scary part is most people don't have written down goals?
Some have a general idea in their head. And others are oblivious, just going through the daily grind, reacting to life instead of designing it.
I want you to get what you want. I really mean that.
If you're on this list you're at the right place.
DECIDE today what you really want in all areas of your life then attack it with passion and a burning desire.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Interestingly before leaving for China, I packed my journal to record thoughts and feelings after each neigong training to review and track my progression. While flipping through it I came upon an old entry, 3 years to the day, where I clearly stated my intention of traveling to China to work with a neigong master. My book is filled with examples like these. Through reading my blogs and e-mails, one might think of my situation and unique experiences as being lucky. I'm simply following my plan. Write yours today!
This picture taken at the Forbidden City off of a huge copper caldron used to store water in case of a fire reminded me of what my father always told me about "What you are looking for is looking for you".
Keeping your goals and desires at the forefront of your mind and reviewing them daily, insures you attract into your life the person or people, the circumstances, or the feeling you are looking for.
One way to be clear about what you want is to clearly write down what you want.
As simplistic as it might sound, the scary part is most people don't have written down goals?
Some have a general idea in their head. And others are oblivious, just going through the daily grind, reacting to life instead of designing it.
I want you to get what you want. I really mean that.
If you're on this list you're at the right place.
DECIDE today what you really want in all areas of your life then attack it with passion and a burning desire.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Interestingly before leaving for China, I packed my journal to record thoughts and feelings after each neigong training to review and track my progression. While flipping through it I came upon an old entry, 3 years to the day, where I clearly stated my intention of traveling to China to work with a neigong master. My book is filled with examples like these. Through reading my blogs and e-mails, one might think of my situation and unique experiences as being lucky. I'm simply following my plan. Write yours today!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Walking in the footsteps of an Emperor
I had heard about this place but never expected it to be so big and breathtaking.

Tiananmen Square & the Forbidden City, once home to the Emperor and his extended family, now a place for everyone to congregate and appreciate Chinese culture and history.
Walking in this place feels kinda like when you first start practicing martial arts: You're a bit Overwhelmed.
Overwhelmed with what you have to learn and accepting of the fact that you need to give your body time to adapt.
Just like this place, it wasn't built in a day. The same is true with your development.
To avoid being overwhelmed, you must take one step at a time.
That's why in our approach we put major focus on the conditioning part first.
Your body, like tilling the soil of a garden, ready for harvesting must be just right. Getting your body fit first is a wise way of liking the results you get out of your martial art training.
Once that is in place, the foundation you've created will be there for you to fall back on as you continue walking the path of mastery.
Sibok M
P.S. Want to see how quickly we get our students ready for the martial art journey? Follow this link.
Tiananmen Square & the Forbidden City, once home to the Emperor and his extended family, now a place for everyone to congregate and appreciate Chinese culture and history.
Walking in this place feels kinda like when you first start practicing martial arts: You're a bit Overwhelmed.
Overwhelmed with what you have to learn and accepting of the fact that you need to give your body time to adapt.
Just like this place, it wasn't built in a day. The same is true with your development.
To avoid being overwhelmed, you must take one step at a time.
That's why in our approach we put major focus on the conditioning part first.
Your body, like tilling the soil of a garden, ready for harvesting must be just right. Getting your body fit first is a wise way of liking the results you get out of your martial art training.
Once that is in place, the foundation you've created will be there for you to fall back on as you continue walking the path of mastery.
Sibok M
P.S. Want to see how quickly we get our students ready for the martial art journey? Follow this link.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Floating Dragon
Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit the Great Wall of China.

As if in a dream, trekking up and down this marvelous landmark left me just standing in disbelief.
I must of used the french swear words about a hundred times or so.
And it also gave my quads one hell of a workout.
One thing I found funny was how the people here call the Wall of China. It resembles the name of a primary technique we use in Fang Shen Do.
I don't know if this is the right spelling but they call it: Chung-Chung
Seeing something like this before my training starts really opens my mind to the endless possibilities of the human potential either in neigong training, physical martial art skills development, or the many dreams and goals I have yet to accomplish.
The qualities which were required to make the Great Wall a reality are the same ones that reside in you. Some maybe active, others dormant, it's time to get to work.
We all have our own personal Great Wall to build.
What kind of mark will you leave in this world?
Just a thought.
Sibok M
P.S. Because of my inability to access Blogger, Facebook or Twitter from China (Government ban on certain sites) my posts will be sporadic but nonetheless make sure to check out the pics and interesting philosophy coming your way from Red China.
As if in a dream, trekking up and down this marvelous landmark left me just standing in disbelief.
I must of used the french swear words about a hundred times or so.
And it also gave my quads one hell of a workout.
One thing I found funny was how the people here call the Wall of China. It resembles the name of a primary technique we use in Fang Shen Do.
I don't know if this is the right spelling but they call it: Chung-Chung
Seeing something like this before my training starts really opens my mind to the endless possibilities of the human potential either in neigong training, physical martial art skills development, or the many dreams and goals I have yet to accomplish.
The qualities which were required to make the Great Wall a reality are the same ones that reside in you. Some maybe active, others dormant, it's time to get to work.
We all have our own personal Great Wall to build.
What kind of mark will you leave in this world?
Just a thought.
Sibok M
P.S. Because of my inability to access Blogger, Facebook or Twitter from China (Government ban on certain sites) my posts will be sporadic but nonetheless make sure to check out the pics and interesting philosophy coming your way from Red China.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Want More Health?
Enjoy your work.
Work dissatisfaction is the number one cause of alcoholism and drug addiction according to leading Rehab Centers.
It's also the root cause of stress and other ailments.
As you already know stress leads to premature aging and those who enjoy their work lead longer, happier lives.
Make sure you find work that you find enjoyable, challenging and beneficial to yourself and others.
If you like your work THERE IS no stress.
Same thing with your training.
Your training time should be one of the highlights of your day.
Think about it, less than 1 % of the population practice martial arts. Whenever you do (practice), it's your secret weapon against aging, bone density loss, circulation problems, mood swings, and stiffness.
Consider yourself lucky that you have some of this knowledge.
If you aren't practicing martial arts I urge you to start now.
What's disappointing for me is someone who has this knowledge of martial arts but doesn't use it on a regular basis.
There is a tool we use in FSD to stay persistent and consistent in our training. It comes free with a copy of our Book : 10 Secrets to a Rock Solid Martial Art Foundation. Learn more about it here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Work dissatisfaction is the number one cause of alcoholism and drug addiction according to leading Rehab Centers.
It's also the root cause of stress and other ailments.
As you already know stress leads to premature aging and those who enjoy their work lead longer, happier lives.
Make sure you find work that you find enjoyable, challenging and beneficial to yourself and others.
If you like your work THERE IS no stress.
Same thing with your training.
Your training time should be one of the highlights of your day.
Think about it, less than 1 % of the population practice martial arts. Whenever you do (practice), it's your secret weapon against aging, bone density loss, circulation problems, mood swings, and stiffness.
Consider yourself lucky that you have some of this knowledge.
If you aren't practicing martial arts I urge you to start now.
What's disappointing for me is someone who has this knowledge of martial arts but doesn't use it on a regular basis.
There is a tool we use in FSD to stay persistent and consistent in our training. It comes free with a copy of our Book : 10 Secrets to a Rock Solid Martial Art Foundation. Learn more about it here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Fight Night a Success
Over 400 people showed up at our event held in Casselman, Ontario and all 28 Fighters put on a good show of skill and determination.

Our Sanshou/Chinese Kickboxing Division is headed by Sifu Stephane Patenaude and Sifu Patrick Marcil.
When asked how does Sanshou differ from any other type of tournament Sifu Patrick replied: "Sanshou combines the explosiveness of Kickboxing and Muay Thai sprinkled with the Grappling element of throws, sweeps and lifts. Since the spectators want to see high action striking and intense exchanges between the fighters, the ground game is excluded from the rules."
"A Fight Night is about Entertainment and keeping matches fast paced." added Sifu Stephane, "So that's what we try to deliver at every single event we organize."
As always, our goal is to keep our students happy and give them the kind of challenge they are looking for.
Every student's goal is different. Some just want to get in the best shape of their life. Others want to learn effective self-defense for the streets so they can protect themselves and their family. A big portion of our students are interested in personal development and how they can increase their level of concentration, self-discipline, determination, confidence, and using martial arts as a tool to acquire success in all areas of their life.
No matter what your goals might be, you'll find an area within the Fang Shen Do System where you can learn and grow.
And it couldn't be easier to get started. Takes us up on our Free Month Offer, and start reaching your goals today.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Our Sanshou/Chinese Kickboxing Division is headed by Sifu Stephane Patenaude and Sifu Patrick Marcil.
When asked how does Sanshou differ from any other type of tournament Sifu Patrick replied: "Sanshou combines the explosiveness of Kickboxing and Muay Thai sprinkled with the Grappling element of throws, sweeps and lifts. Since the spectators want to see high action striking and intense exchanges between the fighters, the ground game is excluded from the rules."
"A Fight Night is about Entertainment and keeping matches fast paced." added Sifu Stephane, "So that's what we try to deliver at every single event we organize."
As always, our goal is to keep our students happy and give them the kind of challenge they are looking for.
Every student's goal is different. Some just want to get in the best shape of their life. Others want to learn effective self-defense for the streets so they can protect themselves and their family. A big portion of our students are interested in personal development and how they can increase their level of concentration, self-discipline, determination, confidence, and using martial arts as a tool to acquire success in all areas of their life.
No matter what your goals might be, you'll find an area within the Fang Shen Do System where you can learn and grow.
And it couldn't be easier to get started. Takes us up on our Free Month Offer, and start reaching your goals today.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
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