When my kids ask me something I sometimes say: "Give me one minute!"
Then not long after they'll say: "It's already been one minute!"
Indeed, 1 minute is very short.
1 minute is all we ask of our students.
And it is all I ask of you.
Reach your goals of health and fitness by starting with 1 minute.
Do 1 minute of push-ups (however short this may sound, alot of people have a hard time doing that)
Followed by a minute of Sit-Ups then a minute of Lunges, Squats and Triceps Push-Ups.
You can do very little exercises in a row or start at a manageable level and build from there.
Everyone has a minute to devote to training and exercising, Right?
Once you get started though you won't just do 1 minute. You know one minute is short. In no time you're done and with that sudden rush of adrenaline it will be hard for you to stop.
Training is contagious. Once you get the ball rolling your body chemistry is set. What does your body crave the most? No, not chips or beer or a chocolate bar!
Your body craves Oxygen.
That's why you feel euphoric after a training session.
Okay, okay , if you've been neglecting your training you'll feel nauseous after but with consistency you WILL feel euphoric after your workouts. So much so that your productivity level will go through the roof as well as your energy levels IF you use the right combination of exercises.
Anyone can figure out a couple of exercises to start with but once you've mastered those and you're feeling pretty strong might I suggest you get acquainted with our Basic Training Kit which lays out a complete system you can use to get the body you want and build a health and strength foundation you can be proud of.
Read more about it here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Remember your body craves Oxygen, more than water, it's essential to your health. You have to oxygenate your blood stream and force your body to run on all cylinders. Are you reaching your full potential?
Do your body some good, use our time tested training system and see for yourself:
Basic Training Kit
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
FSD Training Day a Success!
Well, as always, this year's event was bigger and better than last year. An amazing turnout, informative workshops and focused participants, what else could you ask for?
With so many things happening all at once it was special for us but also for the students to have an awesome, out of the ordinary Saturday afternoon. A big THANK YOU to the students and people who got involved to make this event a success!
Here are a couple of snapshots from the event. Enjoy!

Sijo, our founder sharing his philosophies and insights about life, happiness, getting what you want, becoming a leader, and discovering what you were born to do.

We reserved 2 full gyms for the event, one side kids , one side Adults. The kids said it rocked! Obviously it did!

Sifu Patrick running through our Sanshou Drills. Integrating our Street, No rules Self-Defense System in a sport like Kickboxing was no easy task but with the success of our fighters in various competitions recently, they have shown the transition to be seamless and quite successful.

Events like this are great for kids. A major confidence booster. Offering the right guidance as well as building leadership skills is what real martial arts is all about.

Seeing so many people take fitness and health so seriously makes me really happy. Mastering the body and mind should be on everyone's priority list.

With the right instructor learning is fun and informative. Actually doing the techniques is easy and makes you realize "You can do this too!"

Spending some time teaching elements of the stick through the various ranges and what can be done in each of them opens your mind to the endless possibilities.

The day ended with our Submission Grappling Competition. Some guys fought some tough matches. Congratulations to Mathieu Lemay for Winning the competition!
Sijo, our founder sharing his philosophies and insights about life, happiness, getting what you want, becoming a leader, and discovering what you were born to do.
Simultaneously we held our Kung-Fu Olympics for kids and gave out new belt promotions at the event headed by Sifu Stephane Patenaude.
We reserved 2 full gyms for the event, one side kids , one side Adults. The kids said it rocked! Obviously it did!
My sister, Sifu Christine, also had a chance to work one on one with the women of FSD.
Women's Self-Defense and Women's Fitness are 2 of her specialties. No one's going to mess with this group!
Sifu Patrick running through our Sanshou Drills. Integrating our Street, No rules Self-Defense System in a sport like Kickboxing was no easy task but with the success of our fighters in various competitions recently, they have shown the transition to be seamless and quite successful.
Events like this are great for kids. A major confidence booster. Offering the right guidance as well as building leadership skills is what real martial arts is all about.
Seeing so many people take fitness and health so seriously makes me really happy. Mastering the body and mind should be on everyone's priority list.
With the right instructor learning is fun and informative. Actually doing the techniques is easy and makes you realize "You can do this too!"
Spending some time teaching elements of the stick through the various ranges and what can be done in each of them opens your mind to the endless possibilities.
The day ended with our Submission Grappling Competition. Some guys fought some tough matches. Congratulations to Mathieu Lemay for Winning the competition!
I'll have other major announcements coming soon about Grappling and upcoming events related to that very shortly, Stay tuned!
There were several hundred pictures, I will upload more in the coming days.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Are you excited just by looking at these pictures? I am. Use that motivation and train extra hard today!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Advocate for Martial Arts
As you might of realized by now I'm a pretty strong advocate for taking up martial art practice.
And for good reason.
I've had superb results in many areas of my life all because I'm a martial artist, specifically, because of the qualities that one develops by practicing the arts.
I assure you the same results are waiting for you.
And this a big if.
If you find the right school along with the right instructor.
For me personally, the way I was taught was, martial arts was more than just learning how to throw punches and kicks it was a tool you could you use to improve and bring balance in all areas of your life.
This balance should extend to all areas:
Your fitness level and physical appearance.
Your relationship with your spouse, kids and friends.
Your Character and Attitude.
Your level of personal and financial success.
Showing Respect in the highest Form: Self-Respect. Which starts with making the right food choices and treating your body as the priceless possession that it is.
The total package so to speak.
It really is as simple as that.
No need to over-complicate.
Take most people's fitness programs. Alot of people need to always "change it up" so they don't get bored. Or they feel the need to discover the next revolutionary piece of equipment that will get them the results they're after.
But right from the start they're thinking is flawed and the same is true with most people starting martial art practice.
It's not the techniques or the equipment that will get you results. The right thinking will.
This is where the right instructor comes into play.
The right instructor will help instill in you the right values that make everything else possible.
Patience, Respect, Honesty, Commitment, Discipline, Character and Focus.
Arm yourself with these qualities and there's nothing you'll start and not finish.
You can learn all the techniques you want, become proficient using any piece of equipment, all of which can change from time to time. What never changes are the foundational qualities you must acquire to make everything else happen at double the speed with less effort on a consistent basis.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Learn more about laying a Rock-Solid Martial Art Foundation by ordering a copy of FSD's 10 Secrets here.
And for good reason.
I've had superb results in many areas of my life all because I'm a martial artist, specifically, because of the qualities that one develops by practicing the arts.
I assure you the same results are waiting for you.
And this a big if.
If you find the right school along with the right instructor.
For me personally, the way I was taught was, martial arts was more than just learning how to throw punches and kicks it was a tool you could you use to improve and bring balance in all areas of your life.
This balance should extend to all areas:
Your fitness level and physical appearance.
Your relationship with your spouse, kids and friends.
Your Character and Attitude.
Your level of personal and financial success.
Showing Respect in the highest Form: Self-Respect. Which starts with making the right food choices and treating your body as the priceless possession that it is.
The total package so to speak.
It really is as simple as that.
No need to over-complicate.
Take most people's fitness programs. Alot of people need to always "change it up" so they don't get bored. Or they feel the need to discover the next revolutionary piece of equipment that will get them the results they're after.
But right from the start they're thinking is flawed and the same is true with most people starting martial art practice.
It's not the techniques or the equipment that will get you results. The right thinking will.
This is where the right instructor comes into play.
The right instructor will help instill in you the right values that make everything else possible.
Patience, Respect, Honesty, Commitment, Discipline, Character and Focus.
Arm yourself with these qualities and there's nothing you'll start and not finish.
You can learn all the techniques you want, become proficient using any piece of equipment, all of which can change from time to time. What never changes are the foundational qualities you must acquire to make everything else happen at double the speed with less effort on a consistent basis.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Learn more about laying a Rock-Solid Martial Art Foundation by ordering a copy of FSD's 10 Secrets here.
Friday, April 16, 2010
It's Louse Time! Repetition vs Modeling
If you're new to my list of focused, motivated, self-starters, Welcome.
(if you're not new jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon. You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time!
The agent replies with his British accent: "yes of course". Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
Today's lesson is: Repetition vs Modeling
These 2 methods will certainly get you to where you want to go.
You may need to do both.
But you don't have to.
One method leads you down a solemn road of trial and error, set-backs, frustration, pain, and hard work.
The other method, the superior method gets you the same results in half the time. All you have to do is follow the plan and whatever you're looking for is within your grasp.
Results come quickly and makes you wonder why you didn't follow this method in the first place.
You've guessed it.
Modeling is the preferred method for accelerated learning. Certainly, the old saying of:
"Repetition is the mother of skill" holds some merit but modeling someone who already has what you want and in turn mimicking exactly what they did to get it is a guaranteed winner.
This weekend you'll have the opportunity to do just that.
All of our school owners, Sifus and students are converging in Casselman this Saturday morning at 10:30 am for a day of training and advanced learning.
This event is open to all FSD Students and non students alike.
Why should you attend?
We try to organize these kinds of events as many times as possible throughout the year but still, it's not enough.
Very seldomly will you have all of FSD's Top instructors, not to mention our Founder Sijo Jacques Patenaude all present in the same venue to help you advance your skills in Weapons, Grappling, Energy Work, Trapping Hands, Conditioning and Athleticism, Sanshou Sparring Drills and the list goes on.
Priced at 30$, it's a no-brainer.
To reserve your spot and register click here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Spring Cleaning with Martial Arts
Do you feel it?
When spring comes around, I can't help but be reminded of the same feeling you will get if you start our martial art program.
Like spring, you will feel a re-birth.
Energy which was just sitting there dormant and waiting to be utilized is finally directed constructively and positively.
You will also get to notice details about yourself. You might rediscover abilities you once possessed. Or you find out how much you've lost in some areas which in turn will motivate you to double your efforts and get back on track.
Once aware of the need to preserve your body it transcends and affects your mood as well.
The Feeling of being Alive
When you feel your heart racing, or you're out of breath, it makes you realize how lucky you are to feel these two necessities of life.
The self-awareness that comes from meditating and the way it releases stress should be on everyone's daily to-do list.
Your body like the leaves and landscape transforming as we speak will grow stronger, firmer, building new muscle, strengthening organs, ligaments and tendons.
Like spring showers it's time to wash away bad habits and get to work on your internal and external spring clean-up.
Let's get started right now!
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. If you're like me and you're at the 'maintaining & expanding stage' of your martial art training (not getting started), you seriously need to look at harnessing and developing your internal power through Neigong Practice, an internal form of kung-fu. You can learn more about it here.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
New Fang Shen Do School in Vaudreuil, Quebec
Quick announcement today to let you know we're opening another school in Vaudreuil, Quebec with our first class scheduled for May 7th.
If you live in the area and have been wanting a place to train in the West Island area of Montreal, well finally, you'll be able to train in one of our classy, well equipped Dojos very soon.
To sign up for a Free VIP Pass at this location visit this link immediately.
On a side note we are constantly growing and expanding our network of schools. If you live in any area you think might be a good fit for one of our schools let me know.
I'd love to hear from you and wherever you are in the world there is a possibility we might open there.
Some of you have already sent in requests for New York, Boston, Australia, California, Texas, Hamilton, and Germany.
You can send your school request here: info@fangshendo.com
Sibok M
If you live in the area and have been wanting a place to train in the West Island area of Montreal, well finally, you'll be able to train in one of our classy, well equipped Dojos very soon.
To sign up for a Free VIP Pass at this location visit this link immediately.
On a side note we are constantly growing and expanding our network of schools. If you live in any area you think might be a good fit for one of our schools let me know.
I'd love to hear from you and wherever you are in the world there is a possibility we might open there.
Some of you have already sent in requests for New York, Boston, Australia, California, Texas, Hamilton, and Germany.
You can send your school request here: info@fangshendo.com
Sibok M
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Self-Defense for Women
A couple of weeks ago, Julie Mignot, the chief instructor of our St-Leonard School hosted a special clinic for women only.
There's something about a woman being able to defend herself and not take any crap from anybody that turns me on.

Seeing women first enter the school kinda shy, timid and self-conscious during their first few classes to eventually see them hit the gloves with confidence and watching their bodies transform as well as their attitudes is quite a sight.
Makes you wonder why all women don't invest a bit of time and effort in at least learning the basics of personal protection?
And this goes for men too: "They don't know that they don't know"
Better to find out that you "don't know" in a controlled environment than to find out when it's too late and you're faced with a real attacker.

"In a controlled environment, learning is both fun and challenging. It's okay to make mistakes so long as you don't freeze up and remember to keep attacking."

"Certain positions can be intimidating, especially if you've been pushed to the ground and find yourself in an inferior position, the fact that you've been there before in your training means it won't be so much of a shock if you ever find yourself there."
Personal Protection is a skill like any other. In my opinion it's right up there with Reading and Writing.
If you'd like to know more about Personal Protection or know someone who might benefit from learning these skills, let me suggest you get them started with my sister's brand new DVD on the subject of Women's Self-Defense.
You never know it might save someone's life one day or yours.
Grab a copy here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
There's something about a woman being able to defend herself and not take any crap from anybody that turns me on.
Seeing women first enter the school kinda shy, timid and self-conscious during their first few classes to eventually see them hit the gloves with confidence and watching their bodies transform as well as their attitudes is quite a sight.
Makes you wonder why all women don't invest a bit of time and effort in at least learning the basics of personal protection?
And this goes for men too: "They don't know that they don't know"
Better to find out that you "don't know" in a controlled environment than to find out when it's too late and you're faced with a real attacker.
"In a controlled environment, learning is both fun and challenging. It's okay to make mistakes so long as you don't freeze up and remember to keep attacking."
"Certain positions can be intimidating, especially if you've been pushed to the ground and find yourself in an inferior position, the fact that you've been there before in your training means it won't be so much of a shock if you ever find yourself there."
Personal Protection is a skill like any other. In my opinion it's right up there with Reading and Writing.
If you'd like to know more about Personal Protection or know someone who might benefit from learning these skills, let me suggest you get them started with my sister's brand new DVD on the subject of Women's Self-Defense.
You never know it might save someone's life one day or yours.
Grab a copy here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Monday, April 5, 2010
Everything is Kung-Fu
Do you recognize this statement?
This is one of Jackie Chan's lines in the upcoming "The Karate Kid" Movie.
My focus has always been to live by this statement.
When you practice martial arts, whether you're aware of it or not, puts you on a path of self-mastery.
Some never stick with it long enough to see and feel the effects of their training transfer to other areas of their life.
Others though, who possess self-discipline, commitment, and follow through, reap the rewards and start noticing the clear difference one feels by staying a martial artist.
When hours of repetition and dedicated focus are put into mastering various techniques, it doesn't take long that you catch yourself using the same techniques to master other skills outside the dojo.
Holding yourself to this high standard is infectious, in a good way. It will spread to everything you do.
Why would a student invest so much time harnessing the power of patience, awareness, balance, focus, visualization, repetition, consistency, and goal setting to become a great martial art practitioner and not want to improve all other areas of their life?
The answer is: They all do.
The one's that maintain their training all naturally gravitate towards a want to improve all other areas.
Like renovating a house. Don't be fooled by your spouse in thinking: "We'll just renovate the bathroom"
Soon after you'll want to renovate the kitchen. Then the living room, the master bath, etc...
And there's nothing wrong with that as long as you do the same with your most prized possession:
Your body and mind.
What are you doing to constantly upgrade your skills?
Either you become a martial artist today and get started in one of our schools and start reading FSD's Prime Literature.
If you're already a member or training in martial arts browse the product section and see what new skills you can acquire and add to your repertoire.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. If you're not growing, you're dying. Avoid stagnation. Focus on constant and never ending improvement, only this will keep you on the path of self-mastery.
This is one of Jackie Chan's lines in the upcoming "The Karate Kid" Movie.
My focus has always been to live by this statement.
When you practice martial arts, whether you're aware of it or not, puts you on a path of self-mastery.
Some never stick with it long enough to see and feel the effects of their training transfer to other areas of their life.
Others though, who possess self-discipline, commitment, and follow through, reap the rewards and start noticing the clear difference one feels by staying a martial artist.
When hours of repetition and dedicated focus are put into mastering various techniques, it doesn't take long that you catch yourself using the same techniques to master other skills outside the dojo.
Holding yourself to this high standard is infectious, in a good way. It will spread to everything you do.
Why would a student invest so much time harnessing the power of patience, awareness, balance, focus, visualization, repetition, consistency, and goal setting to become a great martial art practitioner and not want to improve all other areas of their life?
The answer is: They all do.
The one's that maintain their training all naturally gravitate towards a want to improve all other areas.
Like renovating a house. Don't be fooled by your spouse in thinking: "We'll just renovate the bathroom"
Soon after you'll want to renovate the kitchen. Then the living room, the master bath, etc...
And there's nothing wrong with that as long as you do the same with your most prized possession:
Your body and mind.
What are you doing to constantly upgrade your skills?
Either you become a martial artist today and get started in one of our schools and start reading FSD's Prime Literature.
If you're already a member or training in martial arts browse the product section and see what new skills you can acquire and add to your repertoire.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. If you're not growing, you're dying. Avoid stagnation. Focus on constant and never ending improvement, only this will keep you on the path of self-mastery.
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