Friday, June 14, 2013

About mixed martial arts Pro Fighter Julien Leblanc

One of our soon to be Pro Fighters, Julien Leblanc talks about (in French) his experience training with the Patenaude Team, what it takes to succeed in your training and how he got to be where he's at in MMA.

Julien has accomplished alot in the past 5 years. He literally could not do one single push-up when he started.

He had low self-confidence.

And was overweight.

Now, he's one of our top competitors, he's undefeated and he's making his Pro debut in September.

Julien's story isn't an isolated incident.

You too can make a positive change in your life by joining our team. All that is required is effort, perseverance and commitment.

Get started today with a free 7 day pass.

 Sibok Martin

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