Monday, October 27, 2008

Demoralize him from attacking again.

Which tool can you use to build super arm conditioning, close quarter striking power and clean, crisp fluidity?
Wooden Dummy Training
Wooden Dummy Training
My very first Blog was on Wooden Dummy training and for good reason, it was one of my first great obsessions.

When I first started learning it I couldn't stop and proceeded to learn all 117 movements in one day.

You might be intimidated by that number, 117 movements, but I can assure you I've developed a very fast and unique way of learning the techniques over night.

Because the method I reveal to you is the very same method I used when I was just a little boy.

If you're training in FSD right now and learning the wooden dummy techniques are just around the corner, I would recommend you get a head start and pick up our 3 disc set and quickly master this tool and use what you learn from it and apply it to your close quarter entries, nerve destruction techniques, closing and trapping skills.

If you do not own a Wooden Dummy or if the school you train at doesn't have one, the techniques can still be applied in the air, against a heavy bag or on a partner's arms.

By clashing your arms strategically onto your opponent's arms (ex; radial nerve, biceps, etc...) it quickly demoralizes him from attacking again.

Since your hands and arms are your main striking tools it's a good idea to make them as strong and tough as you can get them.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

P.S. Arms are like guards to a castle (your body), they are there to protect and shield you from harm, make sure the guards, like your arms are tough as steel.

Learn how here.

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