Monday, March 31, 2008

Hand, Forearm, strength and flexibility

When you're training for martial arts or any other sport you have to maintain an equilibrium between strength and flexibility.

You also have to train every part of your body. Just like Arnold Schwarzenegger explains in the 1977 movie Pumping Iron.

Although I have no aspiration to be as big as he once was, there's a part where he talks about "Symmetry".

In his thick accent he says something like: "If I add an inch on my arms I have to add an inch to my calves, an inch to my..." and on and on he goes.

Now what does that mean for a Martial Artist?

It can mean the same thing in your physical development or from a combat stand point, you have to keep everything in balance from punching to kicking, weapons to wrestling, and in your personal development, confidence to humility, fear to reason, success to contribution.

You have to think of your body and mind as one working unit.

One part doesn't function without the other.

Students often ask how I developed my forearms.

Before I get into that let's talk about why YOU should develop your forearms.

1. Mass + Speed = Lots of power!

As you might know, muscle is heavier than fat. The heavier your arm, the more momentum it can create while in movement, therefore inflicting more damage when you strike. It becomes like a "battering ram".

2. Stronger holds and chokes.

Without strong hands and forearms, your throws, locks and trapping skills are useless.

There are many things I do to develop forearm strength and flexibility.

One of the main tools I use is the Stick. When you move a weapon at 100 + km/h the g-force applied on your hands and forearms is quite remarkable and no wonder, helps in the development of those 2 body parts.

To know exactly what I mean, you need to feel it for yourself. Pick up my stick training program
to increase forearm definition, strength and flexibility.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Power of Visualization

I know you take your health very seriously or else you wouldn't be on this page right now and maybe you're even like ME, a fitness fanatic.

I'm currently working on setting a Guinness World Record for One Arm, 2-finger Push-Ups.

It took me a long time to do them.

The best way to describe it, is like learning to ride a bicycle.

You only need to get the feeling once and you'll never forget it. It's a question of trust.

Once you know you can do it, you have confidence in yourself and you realize your body is able to withstand that kind of punishment.

Before ever doing them I SAW myself doing those push-ups.

One thing to remember when you're using visualization techniques is to make those images as real as possible. Visualize with as much detail what you want.

Visualize in full color.

Images are good but film is better.

This is what we call Movie Meditation, it's one of many meditation techniques outlined in our Book 10 secrets to a rock solid martial arts foundation.

See a film of yourself accomplishing what it is you want to accomplish. See it on the big screen. Like wearing 3D glasses, you're right there in the action.

Visualizing in detail will keep your goals real and motivate you to take action.

This is not a new concept, you know about it, you've read about it, but are you using it?

For us, everything we have today was once just a figment of our imagination. It all starts with a goal, an idea, a dream.

Hold that image in your mind of what you want, be relentless.

It doesn't take a special skill, only focus and persistence and you too can make any one of your goals a reality.

Aim Higher,

Sibok Martin

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Have more energy with these guarded secrets

What if there was a natural alternative to taking energy drinks?

Something you could do to increase your health and vitality without popping any type of
supplement or pill?

What would happen if you knew the exact pressure points to slap and hit to help "CHI" circulation.

What we're getting ready to launch does exactly that.

It removes any blockages in the body stopping the vital chi flow from reaching every part of the body.

It strengthens your "reservoir" to help conserve, accumulate and store vital energy.

So much so that doing reps of certain exercises in the 4 to 5000 range is a breeze. Yes that's not a typo 5000.

These exercises were passed down from one master to one student for almost 1000 years.

Until now.

We've been granted permission to pass on this information to anyone who is willing to put the exercises to good use and to anyone who has a desire to live well passed 100 in perfect health.

Read about it here

Sibok Martin

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Live your life pain free

A lot of people I meet who used to train or want to start training complain about Pain.

I've said it before: "Pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong."

What do most people do?

They numb the pain.

They take an Advil or some other pain reliever.

Not only is taking pain relievers hard on your kidneys, it doesn't go to the root of the problem.

It's only a Band-Aid solution.

Listen to your body.

Same thing with Headaches. Pop a pill again.

When are we going to stop popping pills every time we feel a bit of discomfort or pain?


Maybe it's telling you to breathe better. To breathe deeply and fully.

Maybe you need to massage your eyes and the pressure points around your eyes. It's proven, the stress of the day is absorbed through the eyes. Watch not to neglect them in your training.

And maybe you just need to move and stretch.

Your body is probably craving it. It needs it.

If you don't know where to start, let us guide you.

With over 30 years of experience we know exactly how to get your body feeling good and pain free.

You can get our flexibility training system right here.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Getting the highest return on investment

I can't help but notice alot of things around us are "hyped up" as valuable but in reality they are not.

There's a french saying: "Tout ce qui brille n'est pas or"

Translated: "Just because it shines it doesn't mean it's gold"

Have you ever made that observation?

For example: Movies

You see the preview, looks awesome. You see it, it sucks!

Or you go to a fancy restaurant and the food is disgusting.

You buy a high end car and the dealer tells you it'll hold it's value over time. When you go to re sell it it lost 75 % of it's value.

And let's not forget Trips.

You plan this exotic trip for months, you go there and the weather is crappy. You lie to your friends saying it was great.

You've spent thousands of dollars to relax but end up being more tired and stressed out compared to before you left. All you have to show for it in the end are a few pictures and vague memories of it.

Ugh !

I'd rather invest in guaranteed returns on investment.

Not once have I felt those feelings of disappointment when I complete a training.

Not ever!

Nothing comes close to it.

The feeling you have when you breathe in deeply. Feeling the sweat on your brow. Listening to your heart beat when you're cooling down.

The feeling of accomplishment and reward you have after you've completed your workout.

Be wise to invest inside of you not on the outside.

To see what I mean go here to start your training, invest in YOU, the feeling and return you'll get from training regularly will cast a shadow over any attempt from different companies trying to make you think there is great value in what THEY are selling.

No hype, just an awesome feeling,

Sibok Martin

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Increase the power of your mind

If you've been following my e-mails for a while you'll remember me talking about Mushin and Shoshin states.

They are critical to your development both in martial arts or in your physical training.

Remember Mushin state stands for: "Fully present in the moment". Not to be stuck in the past or drifting in the future but being fully involved in the NOW moment. A pure state of mind, like when a young baby plays with a new toy.

And Shoshin stands for: "Beginner's Mind". To undertake any task how ever mundane or repetitive with child like optimism as if you were doing it for the first time, every time.

Today I wanted to focus on Fudoshin.

Before I dive into it, I believe weakness in this area is the reason so many people don't get the results they are looking for either when they start training in martial arts or when they start making fitness and conditioning a # 1 priority.

Some of you never get fully immersed in the training. Do not allow the mind to wander.

When you START training everything is fine. It's new and exciting.

But something happens after a while, for some it's after 1 month, others it's after 12 mths.

The mind steps in and starts questioning what you're doing, discourages you at times, tempting you to do nothing on your training day. After all, you're tired right? You should sleep in today?
You'll do it tomorrow?

Fudoshin stands for : "Immoveable Mind"

Let nothing distract you or take you off course. Know where you're going and go there with full commitment and intensity.

Our strength training program teaches you how to stay focused, never allowing your mind to wander. Try it and let me know your progress.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

Monday, March 17, 2008

Secret for 500 years until now...

Remember my fortune cookie story a while back about:

"Keep your plans secret for now"

If not, you can read it again here.

We were just about to release a new product when I got that message in my fortune cookie.

So we held off on it.

The time is soon approaching to release this information to you.

I had to wait about 2 years to get this information.

Some of this information has been kept secret and underground for almost 500 years until now...

All I can say is I'm honored to have the permission to pass on this knowledge to our students and the general public. Some of this information was once reserved for the Emperor and his family or you had to know someone on the "inside" to get it.

All that will change very soon.

Make sure to check your inbox for details on how to get your hands on this precious information coming to you very soon.

Until then,

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

Friday, March 14, 2008

An easy mental exercise you can do

One of my favorite movies of all time is Braveheart.

I know every scene by heart and me and my lil' Bro can act out pretty much any one of them with the Scottish Accent.


Although recently, I haven't had a chance to watch it.

There's one scene that I especially like (actually I like all the scenes). It's just one keyword I use when I'm training.

You've heard me talk about that before, you know Keywords?

A keyword can be used many different ways.

One way is to choose a word that will help you keep the conscious and subconscious mind occupied while doing a certain exercise. It might help you squeeze out a few more minutes when holding a strength position. (Tigers, Hand Stand, etc...)

Back to the scene, William Wallace and his army have constructed wood spears, long as a man, and the Royal Cavalry is charging towards them. Wallace's army is anxious to attack but he holds them back using the keyword I use when holding a Back Bends or Forearm Push-Ups.

He waits until the very best moment to lift the spears from the ground and they end up impaling the enemy badly. It was a great strategy.

The way he says it with intensity and commitment, that's one of the words I like to use when giving up just isn't an option. You'll have to watch the movie if you don't know the answer.

Once you have the keyword you'll need to know which exercises to apply this on. For that you'll need to pick up a strength training kit right here.

Intentio superus,

Sibok Martin

Thursday, March 13, 2008

2 special martial art seminars in Ottawa

There's always something happening in our schools every month. And this month is no different.

This Sunday (March 16 th) at 10:00 am we're holding not one but two highly anticipated seminars at our Ottawa Kung-fu School.

Our always dynamic and fun Speed Training Seminar focuses on speed drills, secrets to speed, how to increase speed, how trying to move fast will actually slow you down, 2 man drills to increase reaction time, the rule for hand speed, and the best exercises to get your muscles ready for action.

You must be thinking you need alot of experience to attend one of these seminars?

You don't.

Because we're not teaching techniques, we're showing you the principles to increasing speed and reaction as well as getting you doing the drills which will ultimately get you moving faster by the end of the seminar.

The other seminar transitions well with the speed training seminar because it uses some of the same principles and helps develop speed and finesse while combining all of that with power.

We're talking about the one and only Wooden Dummy Seminar.

Held right after the speed training seminar, students learn the quickest and most effective ways of learning the original wooden dummy sets, the real reasons for using the wooden man, what you can expect to develop from training with this device, finding an equilibrium betwen Jing and Flow, how learning the different "blocks" leads to mastery and all that within a few minutes.

You can get a heads start by ordering the Speed Training DVD right here, that way you'll have a good idea of which drills to do prior to attending the seminar.

You can also put in an e-mail request for our brand new 2 disc, top & bottom camera angle, Wooden Dummy DVD just released last week at and we'll ship you a copy immediately.

Let's get to work this weekend,

See you there,

Sibok Martin

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Break out of your comfort zone

So many people are searching for that magic workout, special pill or that new piece of equipment.
I had this guy once come see me to take classes and he said he was ready, he wanted to learn the art, train hard, you know all that stuff.

Except there was this little problem. He didn't want to SWEAT!

"Sweat?!" I said.

"Yeah, I don't like to sweat"

Can you imagine what I told him? What AM I supposed to say to that? What, you want me to do the push-ups for you?

So I told him the nice way: "Sorry Buddy but I can't help you with that", BYE.

I think too many people want to be wrapped in comfort when they're training.

Things like: Water bottle strapped to their belt, Fully Air conditioned environment, watch TV simultaneously, nice little floor mat, etc...

Yes you should stay hydrated but if you're always reaching for that water bottle how's that suppose to help with will power and determination?

Distracting yourself with TV? You're supposed to feel your body and be aware of it. Listen to it. Pay attention to weaknesses and plan to strengthen them at your next session (for some it's lower back, shoulders or knees)

You're gonna have to go through a little pain to get to some major pleasure. The pleasure of knowing you didn't give up when you could of easily quit.

With each training session, you feel you're taking one more step up the ladder of strength, endurance and flexibility.

Our training program might not feel as good as flopping on the couch with a bowl of ice cream but I can guarantee you, you'll feel a whole lot better after our workout, you'll have more energy, you'll be feeling awake and charged up for hours, more than that sluggish feeling you'll feel after that very short felt moment of gratification after ingesting that fat infested dish.

Get "un"-comfortable,

Get trainin' now.

Sibok Martin

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Power of Dreams

No matter what your situation is, you can accomplish anything you desire.

If you have a DREAM, you can make it a reality.

A dream keeps you motivated, it can help you get through a difficult phase of your life because you keep your focus on the big picture. The VISION you have for yourself.

I can't help but to think about my father and how he had all the odds stacked up against him. If you didn't have a chance to read his Bio on the web site it's a pretty inspiring story. It confirms what he's been saying for 3 decades: If he can do it so can you.

You just need to believe in yourself.

What do you want to accomplish? What do you think about most? What's easy for you to do? What doesn't seem like work? Whatever that is THAT'S your dream and you should pursue it.

Some people around you might not agree, you might be criticized but you have to be immune to it. No one can control your destiny, only you can.

Dreams are contagious.

Especially if you're a father or mother, your dreams can inspire your own kids.

Just like my father's dreams helped forge mine.

Reaching a point where we share the same dreams about martial arts and personal development.

One of his dreams of becoming a firewalking trainer influenced mine and now coming this May we're holding a firewalking event in Bruxelles, France May 8 th to the 10 th.

My dad would say: "Everything we have in this world is our own doing, you're 100% responsible for it"

That can go both ways.

If you don't like what you've been getting out of life you can always dream bigger and better ones.

I like to believe how you feel inside reflects what you produce on the outside.

The first step to feeling good inside is mastering your body.

Here's the training system we've been using with great success for the past 35 years.

Aim Higher,

Sibok Martin

Monday, March 10, 2008

Don't settle for Artificial Energy

Don't do it! I know it's tempting but don't settle for artificial energy.

It's a fact Energy Drinks actually rob you of energy.

You see them branded about everywhere nowadays.

Nothing about them interest me. Who wants to ingest 200 to 400 mg of caffeine in one drink?
Do you know which other drink boasts those same numbers? Coffee.

I know it must be hard for some of you to drop that habit. But believe me in the long-term you're in for some serious health issues.

Caffeine is the addictive element that makes coffee or energy drinks so appealing - and provides the jolt to smooth the transition from sleep to facing another day at work or school.

Take the worst energy drink out there: Monster

For every 20 oz. of Monster you drink it takes 6.3 gallons of water to flush it out of your kidneys. The average person drinks 6.3 gallons of water in 23 days. For every 20 oz of Red Bull you drink, with no sugar, it takes .9 gallons of water to flush out your kidneys and the average person drinks .9 gallons of water in about 2 days. (as published in a recent GNC article).

Once caffeine enters your bloodstream, it takes about 15 minutes for you to start feeling its effects. Caffeine stimulates the brain in the same way that cocaine and heroin does:

It blocks adenosine reception so you feel alert.
It injects adrenaline into the system to give you a boost.
It manipulates dopamine production to make you feel good.

Energy Drinks don't replenish the body after physical exertion (like sports drinks such as Gatorade).

In fact, because Energy Drinks have so much caffeine - they can actually dehydrate the drinker. That means if you're physically exerting yourself and drink just a Red Bull, the lack of hydration could strain your heart.

And if you combine energy drinks with alcohol, your risk of dehydration rises. There's another trend among teens and college students.

Students whose motor skills, visual reaction times, and judgment are impaired by alcohol may not perceive they are intoxicated as readily when they're also ingesting a stimulant, only the symptoms of drunkenness are reduced - but not the drunkenness. They can't tell if they're drunk; they can't tell if someone else is drunk. So they get hurt, or they hurt someone else.

You don't need to rely on artificial sources of energy.

The formula is quite simple: Short-dynamic-daily exercise, drink water! (3 glasses a day minimum), fruits and vegetables, protein (from nuts and lean meats), & deep breathing exercises.

You might say: "It can't be that simple!"

"Oh yes it can!", it just takes a little bit of discipline. Remember what I've talked about before:

Do you treat your body like a trash can?

Keep ingesting energy drinks and loads of coffee and you'll NEVER find the energy you were looking for in the first place.

Your health first,

Sibok Martin

Saturday, March 8, 2008

More benefits of martial art training

I love how martial arts training reveals one's character.

This quote sums it up pretty well:

"Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all." ~ Sam Ewing

Everything from how you meditate to how you hit a focus mitt reveals a part of who you are. Whatever it reveals, it might be a strength you can expand on or a weakness that needs to be addressed.

When training, pay close attention to how you act, what you feel and what you think. If you don't like what you're thinking or feeling at the moment where you're doing a certain drill, make note of it and add it to your Strategic Outline so you can improve upon it.

You might have a hard time closing your eyes in meditation. You should find some time to meditate daily. Learn to center yourself, feel your breath and realize the safest place on earth is inside of you.

You might be very stiff and un-flexible. Stiffness is believed to be associated with "pent-up" emotions. Make sure to always express yourself, speak your mind and give your complete emotional maximum in your circuit training so that any anger, disappointment, or stress is completely squeezed out of you.

Some have a hard time counting in group stretching and conditioning. Counting is a quick way to get emotionnally involved, builds better cardio, makes you less timid and strengthens your diaphragm.

And last, holding back on striking drills. Do you just tap the focus glove? Do you think of your position before striking or do you strike with full commitment, confidence and power?
I like to think the way you HIT mirrors how you tackle everyday goals.

Careful and Analytical or Instinctive, Determined and Focused.

Just something to ponder about when you're training. Your character is always put to the test.
It will bring out the best in you.

That Strategic Outline I was talking about comes free when you order a copy of our FSD training guide.

Great tools to help BETTER yourself.

Sibok Martin

Friday, March 7, 2008

Winter snow storm alert

This is going to be a record year for snow accumulation and with this big storm coming our way, they say about 50 cm, people in record numbers will be tackling the snow with their shovels and clearing out drive ways.

But, it will also be a record year for blown backs and pinched nerves. Unless you get prepared.

I just finished shoveling snow off my parents' deck. The snow is piled high, roughly 7 feet.

It was a great workout. I couldn't help to think how shoveling snow resembles martial arts training.

You need a Strong Foundation. Body Alignment. Grip Strength. Stamina. Balance. Coordination.

You need to be Ambidextrous and Resilient.

I feel great. No pain. No injury.

Training the way we do can help you do any mundane task like shoveling snow better, more efficiently, while significantly dropping your chances of injuring yourself.

When you train correctly you really feel like you're built to last.

One secret to building an injury proof body is through stretching consistently and effectively.

One of the first things you learn from stretching is body alignment and body awareness.

Acquiring just these 2 qualities can rid you of unnecessary pain.

You can learn those and a slew of others with our Flexibility training system.

Train to be "Built to last",

Sibok Martin

Thursday, March 6, 2008

How to beat muscle soreness

Have you ever had this experience.

You put in a great workout.

You're feeling great.

You go to bed.

Next morning you wake up, stretch out your arms and when you get out of bed to make breakfast you feel like someone just stabbed you in the legs.

You have a hard time going down the stairs. Just sitting down on a chair is a challenge.

You're in PAIN.

Yeah that's right, you over-trained.

You might be stuck in that same pattern. Why?

Watch not to be a Weekend Warrior. The kind of person that gets all motivated and does too much too soon. The WW is in pain for most of the week. Then when the next weekend comes around they usually repeat the same thing. Some are Month Warriors, some are even Year Warriors.

Avoid this trap.

Remember, progression through slow, incremental, CONSISTENT improvements.

We all have different thresholds for pain. Feel too much of it too soon and it will destroy your motivation.

To minimize muscle soreness here are some of the things I recommend.

The day after your workout, engage in some light activity. You might feel sore at first but once you get the blood flowing you'll feel the soreness and stiffness disappearing.

Another strategy is to soak in cold water. It's proven that exposure to cold helps the body process and eliminate lactic acid, the major culprit in muscle soreness. It could mean taking a cold shower after a workout or for the more daring, going outside in a bathing suit rolling around in the snow. My favorite.

Last step to avoid muscle soreness: Be Smart.

If you're starting out, go slowly, just do the minimum and in time you will build your strength, endurance and flexibility. That's why our basic strength training kit comes with a 30 second interval CD. It gives you a chance to work up to the 1, 2, 3, and 5 minute intervals.

Our strength training system is in place, you just need to start and we'll take care of the rest.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Modeling leads to Strength, Flexibility and Endurance

We brought our 4 year old daughter skiing for the first time yesterday.

Like any kid trying something new, they have a bit of fear, they're uncertain but once they get it right once, their confidence grows and they start having fun.

Still she wasn't 100% confident to go down the bunny hill.


Another little girl came along, younger and smaller than her went sliding by her. Hopped on the kid size escalator, alone, and got off it and back down the hill again.

We didn't even have to SAY nothing.

Our daughter pushed our hands away, got on the escalator and copied exactly what the little girl had just done.

Suddenly there was competition. She was modeling. She wanted to show off her skill as well.

Are we Adults any different?

Hell no.

We all need to model someone better than us. It pushes us to do better. It opens our mind to new possibilities.

If you allow us, let us be your physical fitness model. You too can have strength, flexibility and endurance. You too can be fit without having to watch everything you eat and spend countless hours in a gym.

There is a better way.

You'll find our efficient, proven, strength training system right here.

Challenge Yourself,

Sibok Martin

Monday, March 3, 2008

Action without vision is a nightmare

Any exercise is not worth doing if you don't have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish, what you want to become, or how you want to feel.

Why does a prize fighter wake up at 5 am to run? There's a reason why they call them prize fighters. They fight for the prize. The Money.

Are they REALLY?

You have to look at the big picture. What they want to do with the money. That's what drives them.

Just like your fitness training program, the mere act of DOING the exercises isn't enough to keep you motivated. It won't keep you committed to the program.

What is your VISION?

What really gets your engine running?

Is it saying that you want to lose 10 pounds? Does that really get you all fired up?

There has to be a bigger reason than that.
You have to figure that out for yourself. What is YOUR reason for strength training.

When you're strength training remember:

Strength Training without vision is a waste.

Strength Training without counting reps is a waste.

Strength Training without keeping stats is a waste.

Strength Training without emotion is a waste.

Yeah that's right. Training without emotion is a waste.

The only way to include emotion in your workout is to attach a goal to it.

When you feel like quitting, that vision, that goal should appear in your mind. And you associate giving up on that exercise to failing at that goal.

The more emotional the goal the more intensity you will have in your workout. Thus, greater results.

Mine includes being a great role model for my kids, building my business, helping as many people as possible get health conscious and to reach for self-mastery through the martial arts, being in top shape well into my 80's, being a symbol of excellence in everything I undertake.

When you have a strong vision finding the motivation to train and stay committed to your fitness program is a piece of cake.

Take your goals and our strength training circuits, pit them against each other and see if you end up giving up on them (goals) or you'll find a new found motivation to keep fighting to reach them.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

Fight for Fun Tournament a Success

These are just some of the pictures from the Fight for Fun Weekend. We'll make sure to post more as they become available.

Ages varied between 5 years old to 40+ years old.

Over 100 participants and close to 400 spectators.

Participants from all over Eastern Canada.
3 rings.

Cage Fights for Charity.

Why would someone do this?
For Confidence & Fun. To engage in an activity that gets you moving.

Kids and Adults need to stay physically fit and active.
Participating in an event like this breaks the monotony of Sundays.

Kids worked on Grappling/Wrestling Skills.
They also worked on Sword techniques doing a drill called Samurai Drill.

Thank You to our Sponsors. We couldn't of done this without you.

Thank You to the Parents for taking the time to commute and bring your kids to this event.

Thank You to the students for being a part of this event.

We hope you enjoyed yourselves and stay tuned for the next one, coming soon!