Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Modeling leads to Strength, Flexibility and Endurance

We brought our 4 year old daughter skiing for the first time yesterday.

Like any kid trying something new, they have a bit of fear, they're uncertain but once they get it right once, their confidence grows and they start having fun.

Still she wasn't 100% confident to go down the bunny hill.


Another little girl came along, younger and smaller than her went sliding by her. Hopped on the kid size escalator, alone, and got off it and back down the hill again.

We didn't even have to SAY nothing.

Our daughter pushed our hands away, got on the escalator and copied exactly what the little girl had just done.

Suddenly there was competition. She was modeling. She wanted to show off her skill as well.

Are we Adults any different?

Hell no.

We all need to model someone better than us. It pushes us to do better. It opens our mind to new possibilities.

If you allow us, let us be your physical fitness model. You too can have strength, flexibility and endurance. You too can be fit without having to watch everything you eat and spend countless hours in a gym.

There is a better way.

You'll find our efficient, proven, strength training system right here.

Challenge Yourself,

Sibok Martin

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