Monday, March 17, 2008

Secret for 500 years until now...

Remember my fortune cookie story a while back about:

"Keep your plans secret for now"

If not, you can read it again here.

We were just about to release a new product when I got that message in my fortune cookie.

So we held off on it.

The time is soon approaching to release this information to you.

I had to wait about 2 years to get this information.

Some of this information has been kept secret and underground for almost 500 years until now...

All I can say is I'm honored to have the permission to pass on this knowledge to our students and the general public. Some of this information was once reserved for the Emperor and his family or you had to know someone on the "inside" to get it.

All that will change very soon.

Make sure to check your inbox for details on how to get your hands on this precious information coming to you very soon.

Until then,

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

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