Thursday, February 19, 2009

See Bob Wall Live

"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future."

I wanted to give you a heads up of what's happening at FSD Central in the early spring.

If you live in eastern Ontario or western Quebec and maybe even in the Vermont area or close to the border you might want to mark these dates on your calendar: May 8th to May 19th.

Bob Wall is coming to town.

Yes, Ohara from Enter the Dragon.

Yes, one of Bruce Lee's closest friends.

Yes a Black Belt under "Judo" Gene Lebell and the Machado Brothers of Brazilian Ju-Jitsu fame.

And let's not forget, friend, business partner and student of Chuck Norris.

An Encyclopedia of knowledge when it comes to martial arts and a pioneer in the martial art world.

Why is he coming to town?

To hang out with my Dad.

I mentioned on past posts how they met in Germany and how they instantly hit it off because they have so much in common.

It's very special.

Consider how many people Bob meets in a month or year and never get to spend an hour, let alone a week with him.

This is our goal, our service to you: To give you unique opportunities to take your training to another level.

So mark these dates on your calendar, it's an event you will not want to miss.

As we get closer to the dates I mentioned above I'll make sure to give you links and more information on how to get involved in the many different seminars which will be made available to both our students and to the general public.

Stay tuned,

Sifu Martin

P.S. Remember a few months ago I interviewed Bob about his life growing up, behind the scenes details of filming with Bruce Lee and so on? Well I'm almost done editing it (over 3 hours worth of audio), I'll let you know how you can get a hold of it shortly.

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