Thursday, April 30, 2009
Second Step to Mastery
Walking this path isn't always easy but it is by far the most rewarding.
I believe everyone walks the path of mastery at some point in their life. It's just a matter of time.
Through the years I've heard so many prospects say: "I used to be in shape back in the day or I used to fit in a size 4" , some are just fed up and want to finally change the situation they're in, others are on the path and using every little tool we have to offer them so they stay on it.
You're either walking it now, have had or you're about to.
Many things can pull you away from it, I think you already know what those things are.
Can you think of a few?
Getting side tracked is part of the game.
Getting back on course is the ideal.
Whenever you feel yourself drifting off the path, remember the second step to mastery.
There are many parts to understanding vision. One I'd like you to focus on is getting in the habit of seeing the end result of your behavior or habits you undertake.
Ask yourself: "If I stick with __(fill in the blank)___ (whether it's good for you or bad), how will I feel, look, or be, 10, 20, 30 years from now?
Some of the choices we make don't require Psychic ability to realize it leads nowhere.
"End Vision" helps you get a glimpse into the future so that if you don't like what you see, you can get to work on changing it now while there's still time. If you're able to make that vision as real as possible (especially with destructive behavior you might be subjecting yourself to now) it can give you the motivation to stay on the path or get back on the path of mastery ASAP.
We've all heard and seen movies of the future where they show an alternate, dark future if the hero doesn't make the right choices. Be one that makes the right choices.
Start shaping the future you really want now and it starts with making regular, consistent strides in physical fitness.
This program will get you on track, guaranteed. FSD's Physical Fitness Program
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Gimme some Tips
My answer back was: "Are you ready to use them?"
That's the problem.
Everyone wants tips but who's ready to implement them?
Do you just read my stuff or do you put it in practice?
If you've been following me, you know you're supposed to be stretching after every workout to help the body process lactic acid and avoid post workout soreness.
You also know about Intense 1 minute workout circuits we're crazy about, where you have to maintain perfect form and give maximum output for the duration of the exercise.
I've also shared with you my own private Neigong Training I follow. Where it's core focus is on un-blocking meridians and strengthening your Chi reservoir.
I've mentioned on many occasions how I disconnect and reach a level of "No Self", relaxed and flowing freely with weapon work.
You already know about the 5-20-10 breathing pattern you should be doing every day for extra energy and lending a helping hand to eliminate toxins from your body.
Cut smoking, sugar, and processed food. Follow this tip alone and you'll add several quality years to your life.
In my earlier posts and tips you might of heard me talk about firewalking and how the experience changes you forever, revealing a power you have inside that's always been there, unlocking your full potential.
I also call upon every man, woman and child to start a martial art program. The constant improvement and invigorating workouts gives you a direction and energy boost like no crappy energy drink ever could.
You've heard me promote the words: "Master Yourself".
To fail to improve yourself and build upon your successes, to purposely stay stuck in your comfort zone is a great tragedy, it kills the mind, body and spirit.
I'm not just talking about this stuff I actually live and breathe it.
Become a master implementor, hell, if you're just okay at it that's fine too. As long as you take some sort of action every day, small steps in the right direction, I'll be proud of you.
Look at yourself honestly in the mirror and stop B-S-ing yourself.
Change what needs to be changed and stick with what's working.
Take the first step on the journey of mastery, it starts with taking responsibility.
Sifu Martin
P.S. Tomorrow I'll talk about the second step to Mastery. Nothing gets done without it.
Monday, April 27, 2009
31st Birthday Sale
Wishes of health, prosperity and continued success. Anyway, if you sent in a message thank you for the thought.
Everyone around me have been very generous and I wanted to extend that generosity to you.
I'm grateful for the family I have and I consider you, whether a student or just simply a reader on my list to be a part of my extended kung-fu family.
I know that any one of our products can change how you view fitness or martial arts and I know you're able to recognize a good opportunity when you see one.
If you've been sitting on the fence on any of the products we have, I can tell you, what I'm about to offer should give you that last little nudge you need to finally start an effective training program, or learn to stretch and align your body with our Flexibility series, maybe it's finally learning how to move a weapon for greater speed, finesse and reaching the "mushin state" (present moment).
It might even be learning the ancient art of Wudang, where one of their monks developed a type of Neigong (internal work) to unblock the meridians of your body and increase chi flow, leading to greater health and vitality.
Whatever you goals are you'll find something of interest in our product section.
At checkout, enter "31" in the coupon code box to get an instant 31% rebate on your purchase.
I've never offered a rebate like this, this offer is good until tomorrow morning. At 10 am, I'm pulling the plug on it.
Again, Thank You and get something of value before it's too late.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
P.S. This offer is only available on-line. Act now, go to our product section and save big bucks, on me.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Kill the Buddha
Its lesson is profound.
The meaning is very interesting and one shouldn't stay stuck on the actual, litteral sense of the phrase.
If you've read or studied any zen teachings you've already learned to see through the essence of things and to keep an open mind so you can dig deep within yourself for its true meaning and ultimately, learn the lesson.
Simply put, it means to: "Find out for Yourself"
Do not accept anything by mere tradition.
Do not accept anything just because it accords with your beliefs.
Do not accept anything because it agrees with your opinions or because it is socially acceptable.
Do not accept anything because it comes from the mouth of a respected person.
Rather, observe closely and if it is to the benefit of all, accept and abide by it.
It also means to: "Find the Answer by Yourself"
An instructor or coach can only do so much for you.
In the end YOU'RE responsible for making, for example, your martial arts skill pay great dividends in the form of superior strength and health, flexibility, speed, combative flow and endurance through practice and trial and error.
Your ability to self-teach and discover for yourself what works for you depending on your body size, range preference, type of character, confidence level, and the speed at which you absorb and integrate what you learn is different for everyone but it's a necessary process.
Learning this crucial element and principle: "Finding by Yourself", immediately upon starting your martial art program will give you an edge which will cause you to progress faster, it will deepen your understanding of a technique and it will help you avoid trying to blame someone for any unexpected short-comings.
Like my father always told me: "Beware to point the finger at someone, because when you do there are 3 of them pointing straight back at you"
Martial Art training is a great group experience. You might even create good friendships. You can definitely borrow from the synergy of the team. Your instructor surely teaches you with the best of intentions.
But remember, it is YOUR journey.
This is just one of the secrets you should be aware of when starting your martial art training.
You'll find 10 more secrets to building a strong martial art foundation when you order the first volume to mastering the martial arts. You'll find that here.
Aim Higher,
Sifu Martin
P.S. Here's more info about the Bob Wall Seminars. When you reserve your spot and register, add the location in the special instructions box in the shopping cart so we can get you on the list at the right location. Here are the dates and times:
May 9 th Montreal 2:00 pm
May 13 th Kanata 7:00 pm
May 14 th Gatineau 7:00 pm
May 15 th Laval 7:00 pm
May 16 th Ottawa 11:30 am
May 18 th Toronto 7:00 pm
Register here:
FSD Members
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
It's about Effin' time!
It's about time MMA got the attention it deserves. It's now part of the mainstream.
Everyone knows about it, even people you wouldn't expect.
Everyone finally gets the point of using what works and mixing the arts.
I can say from experience it wasn't always that way.
Back in the day (20 years ago) when my father used to offer special private training to his advanced students and giving them a chance to taste a variety of arts and concepts, my dad would get angry phone calls from rivaling schools and instructors condemning him from borrowing from their art or instructor.
You can imagine what his answer to them was.
I'm sure Bruce Lee ran into the same kind of issues when he was developing his JKD. I particularly like this quote from him: "To use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it".
Nobody "owns" a technique.
Today Bruce Lee is a legend and even dubbed "Godfather of MMA".
What if martial art forums and internet in general would have been around in those early days, you think people would have tried to bash him, destroy his reputation and ask the stupidest question of them all: "Are you certified to merge all these arts?"
I think so.
Today it's a different story, at no other time in history have masters and schools been so open to share their knowledge with one another.
My father always says: "What you keep for yourself diminishes and what you share multiplies".
One day we'll rid ourselves of the schools and their students that would rather argue about styles rather than actually train.
Until that day comes, we're doing our part to share our knowledge and our contacts with you.
Bruce Lee's long time friend and student Bob Wall, will be hosting a series of seminars throughout the FSD organization during the month of May.
To register for this event you can visit the appropriate link below.
For FSD members .
For Non-members.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
Monday, April 20, 2009
Talk is Cheap
Spent all day with my family, my immediate family and kung-fu family yesterday. It was refreshing to play our national sport: Hockey
The family that plays and trains together, stick together.
I surely couldn't of done what I did this weekend without the help of my kung-fu training.
The endurance, the speed, the never give up attitude, and coordination.
Just my break-falls and rolls alone saved me from injury.
It's always when I play other sports that I realize how kung-fu helped lay a strong sport foundation and if you're like me you've surely come to the same conclusion.
I've said it before, everyone should have at least 3 years of martial art training.
Above all else, martial arts should teach you about taking action.
Thinking, talking, or writing about something is a start but in the end it's all about the DOING.
Something the UFC guys didn't do Saturday night if you happened to watch a few of the matches.
Maybe YOU also want to start something, you think about it, you've told someone close to you you were going start it but you DIDN'T.
Kinda like Fitness.
Is it something you just talk or think about or do you commit some time each day to get stronger in that area?
Talk really is cheap. Action is king. It reminds me of the saying: "I can't hear what you're saying, your actions speak louder than your words"
When will it be the right time to get in shape?
The time will never be just right.
The more you wait, the more you won't feel like it, you'll say: "maybe tomorrow", the mind will always find ways to distract you away from taking action.
The easiest way I've found to get in the fitness habit is to stick to 1 minute exercises.
You can exercise for one minute right?
An interesting thing happens after a minute, your body craves ... more. Your body craves oxygen. If you've been living a pretty inactive lifestyle and suddenly start, your body will start feeling good very quickly.
That's why before you know it, 1 minute will turn into 10 minutes and beyond.
We've broken it down for you in a simple system you can start using right away.
It's been at the center core of our martial art program for the past 35 years with great results.
See what I mean here.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Anderson Silva training at our Downtown Montreal School
His whole entourage was there to get him ready for his Saturday fight against Thales Leites.
One of Anderson's early role models, like most of us, was Bruce Lee.
Watching him in his movies gave him the desire to start the martial arts.
He has a "penchant" for Kung-Fu because of Bruce and was interested in the Mook Jong or Wooden Dummy Training.
What struck us the most was how nice they were. All eager to learn and share. No egos.
Some of the fans of Mixed Martial Arts always seem to be very obnoxious and disrespectful on forums and chat rooms if someone practices something different than MMA.
It was nice to see that a real champion never misses an opportunity to learn something whenever he meets someone new and is still down to earth when off the stage.
We'll be reconnecting with their team in the near future and wish Anderson another victory Saturday night.
Sifu Martin
P.S We'll be posting more pictures of Anderson's training session as they become available. Check back soon.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Here's what's most alarming.
After last Thursdays e-mail: "Is she worth 37$" I got flooded with replies from men appreciating me just reminding them of how important personal protection is and especially when it comes to the women in their life.
It's a basic skill every women should possess.
It should be a mandatory course in High School.
Who is most prone to harassment, intimidation, physical and emotional abuse?
Here's what's most alarming.
Did you know that most acts of violence against women are commited by a spouse, husband, ex-husband, boyfriend, ex-boyfriend?
It's hard to understand what goes on in those men's heads.
Would you let any of those freaks around your wife, mother or sister?
I'm sure you'll agree women should be treated like Goddesses and that includes arming them with the right knowledge when it comes to protecting their self-esteem, confidence, integrity and their bodies.
We've laid out a simple system to help women protect themselves that does not require years of martial art training, special skill or ability.
It's presented in a very straight forward way by my "Take no BS from anybody" sister.
You can pick up a copy of this empowering DVD right here.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
Monday, April 13, 2009
In search of Excellence
These questions always remind me I'm on the path of Mastery.
Not always an easy path to be on.
This path has many Plateaus but nevertheless, I've learned to enjoy Plateaus.
You've certainly reached, at some point in your training, a place where you feel like you're stagnating or just barely making improvements.
Depending on how you view this, the plateau might be a bad thing or a good one.
In a society based on instant gratification, reaching a plateau might be viewed as a sign that you're not training hard enough or maybe, what you're doing isn't working.
Not so.
For a student on the path of mastery, plateaus are welcomed and required.
I've talked before about drills you can do to "stretch the brain" and create new neural pathways as well as using keywords to enhance your performance giving you a slight edge over someone who's not using them.
But using these techniques and getting the results you're looking for won't happen over night.
Just repeating a mantra or affirmation, blindfolding yourself or playing Sudoku once isn't enough to cause the mind to, in a sense, re-wire itself to be more efficient.
Just like how getting Fat or losing it doesn't happen in a matter of days, they are habits you've maintained that eventually led to a result.
If you quit at the first sign of a plateau you'll never succeed at anything. There are many quick fixes available but none of them are of interest to the student that's on the the path of mastery.
You are willing to wait for your ligaments and muscles to thicken over time through diligent, specific strength training.
You realize like walking, you eventually became successful at it and you realize the challenge of moving your body in a new movement or technique is only a matter of time before your mind, body and nervous system work together to make those movements natural and effortless.
You also realize flexibility, is an "acquired taste", the first few times you try it, it ain't so fun but with persistency, flexibility will lead to greater speed and will actually get you in a very calm state.
The student on the path of mastery also learns to reap great joy from the mere act of doing, fully embracing the moment, not allowing the mind to wander where it's been and where it's going.
There's no rush. If you focus all of your attention on that climactic day where you actually GET what you were looking for, you just might realize like I have, that the journey is way better than the destination.
Enjoy the process, a plateau simply points out you need a bit more time to absorb what it is you're working on.
For you it might be Flexibility.
Maybe it's finally getting fit and following an effective Fitness Program.
Whatever it is you'll find something of interest here to start your journey.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Is she worth 37$?
Your wife, spouse, girl-friend, partner, better half, soul mate, sister, daughter, mother, basically all women you care about in your life.
I trust you would never want anything to happen to them, you'd have peace of mind knowing they are safe and able to protect themselves if they were ever placed in danger?
Are you 100% sure they could protect themselves?
Imagine for a second that you're not there. They're either at home taking care of the kids or they always finish work late and walk alone to their car through an empty parking lot.
Your wife might be alone on a business trip. She might be on a vacation with "the girls".
I'm not implying that women need men to protect them, I'm just asking the question: "Do you believe the women in your life could fight off a potential attacker, a first date gone bad, a stalker, a crazy ex-boyfriend with 100% certainty?
I'm a strong believer that every women on the planet should be trained to quickly hurt or disable a man who tries to hurt, intimidate, harass, rape, or take, what doesn't belong to them".
All women should be physically fit, possess enough endurance to out-run an attacker and condition specific parts of their bodies which they can use to defend themselves.
Why leave it to chance or telling yourself: "It'll never happen to me" or worse waiting until something does happen and then quickly start a self-defense program? Doesn't make any sense.
I often overhear men asking themselves what to buy for St-Valentines or what to get for their wives birthday.
Who cares about the ring, clothes or any other material thing?
The gift of personal protection should be on the top of your list.
Don't you agree?
Nowhere in history have women been so empowered to reach for their goals and break out of the norm.
But on the flip side, at no other time have women been so exposed to falling in a potentially dangerous situation.
So where to start?
I agree at the first thought of having your wife or girl-friend know how to defend herself you're thinking: big cauliflower ears like most of the men in the UFC and a man's physique with a deep voice saying: "HEY honey get OVER here!"
That's not my idea of a self-defense program for women.
That's where my sister comes in.
She's a Bad-Ass.
Don't be fooled when you see her: sweet looking, delicate and friendly, enough to make you think my dad gave her, her black belt and Sifu title.
That's exactly how I see it. Actually, that's the point, you don't see it.
It becomes a secret weapon the women in your life possess which they can rely on to protect their ASS-ets.
How much is that worth to you? The piece of mind knowing they can take care of themselves when you're not there?
Is she worth 37$?
Imagine she's right next to you right now, Is she worth 37$?
Get her started with the basics here.
Thank me later.
Sifu Martin
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The same as Tai Chi, Chi-Gong or Yoga?
"Is it the same as Tai Chi, Chi-Gong or Yoga? "
Before I answer that question let's take a look at what's out there when it comes to internal energy development.
The internal arts are getting more popular by the hour because aging baby boomers are looking to stay young and vibrant, healthy and disease free.
Even adolescents and young adults are drawn to this aspect of the martial arts since everyone knows the chinese are very advanced in terms of chi development, superhuman feats of strength, long life spans, and child like flexibility.
Who wouldn't want that?
There's something attractive about strenghtening the mind-body connection, making sure every organ functions efficiently, and becoming more knowledgeable when it comes to Chi and the meridians of the body.
If only every instructor in the martial arts taught this science.
I have a confession to make.
I can't stand some of the Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Yoga instructors sometimes.
Especially the ones who try to be overly spiritual to a point where it becomes really cheesy and mystical. Or the ones that talk really quietly and slowly, trying to show you how much control they have. Makes me think of the movie: "They call me Bruce".
There's this one memorable scene where the master is speaking to his students about control over one's self, mastering your emotions and how important it is to their development when suddenly the phone rings.
The master heads on over to his office to pick up the phone, it's a bill collector!
He goes on to swear, call names, basically scream at the guy for a few minutes while the students over hear everyhting until he hangs up and goes back on the training mat with a straight face and says: "As I was saying, you need control".
How many instructors have you seen do this?
Promote health and fitness then walk outside for a smoke and a coke?
You hear an instructor talk about respect, discipline and commitment but he's on his 3rd divorce.
I once saw a supposedly "Master", down 3 jumbo sized Ice teas laced with 10 packs of sugar twins at a business dinner. That would explain why he seems to have aged 30 years in the span of 5.
The martial arts is loaded with stories like this.
My point is, we've gone to great lengths to practice what we preach.
I've searched for what is taught in our Neigong training for a long time. I've had my share of disappointments until I finally found what I was looking for.
Is it the same as Tai Chi, Chi-Gong or Yoga?
The purpose is the same, the end result is the same, the difference lies in the presentation.
When you want to go somewhere fast do you prefer the long road or the shortcut?
This once underground style of internal work is 800 years old. It's a system designed by martial artists for martial artists.
It will strengthen you from the inside out. Unblock meridians. Flow your chi the way it was intended to and strengthen your martial art foundation.
You can try it risk free by visiting this link.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
P.S. Avoid and say good-bye to "posers", their goal is to purposely show you useless techniques making you feel like you're in a one paddle row boat. That's right going in circles is no fun. Get the full benefits of an effective internal martial art, learn Neigong now.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Secret to being Successful for 30 years
Looking back on my mom and dad's humble beginnings to what they've accomplished during the past 30 years, it should serve as inspiration to anyone who ever felt like they didn't have a chance or that the odds were stacked up against them.
In the end, your success rests upon YOUR shoulders.
You can have great coaches, or maybe even bad instructors. You can read all the right books and articles.
You might have support or no support from your family.
You might be educated or self-taught.
You might have all the right credentials and diplomas on the wall. You might be broke or wealthy.
You might be young or old. You might be fearful or commited. None of those guarantee success or failure.
What you do need is a burning desire, a clear vision, enough of the right reasons for wanting to reach the goals you've set, and consistently following through on them.
Just being able to say: "I've been open for... or "I've been doing such and such for 30 years" isn't enough.
Stagnating for 30 years isn't success.
Just like training at the gym the same way for 3-4 years, repeating the same boring routine, not making any adjustments and not tracking your progress weekly isn't what I call a successful fitness program.
You should feel like you're steadily climbing.
You and I should always focus on what my dad calls: "The More".
More happiness.
More peace.
More strength.
More love.
More flexibility of mind and body. get the picture?
The "More principle" forces you to never set a limit or allow yourself to be complacent in any one area.
It's in our nature to slow down when we start feeling comfortable. It's also in our nature to stay trapped in our routines. If you do, there will be limited growth and a very average "life experience".
Who wants to be 90, look back and realize you just lived an average life?
Even just from a fitness standpoint, you know what they say about your stomach: "Take care of it for the first 50 years and it will take care of you for the next 50".
Look at your training the same way. Build a strong fitness foundation now so when you get more mature you won't need to deal with so many health issues you might see your parents or grand-parents have.
I think people get it.
Especially after seeing so many people training at our event last week.
Martial Arts is fun, stimulating, challenging, and rewarding.
There is no other activity that comes close to it.
As we prepare for another 30 years, many more people will realize the importance of mastering their body and minds through the daily practice of martial arts.
Only question is: Do YOU realize the importance of investing some time and energy into strengthening your fitness foundation?
You can fight the idea but eventually a visit to the doctor might point out high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, high cholesterol, back pain, low energy, or a weak immune system.
Or it might come in the form of feeling unfulfilled with what you've accomplished in some areas of your life and starting your martial art training just might give you that nudge you need to start wanting more for yourself and your family.
Intentio Superus (Aim Higher),
Sifu Martin
It's Louse Time! The future belongs to...?
(if you're not new jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon.
You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time! The agent replies with his British accent: "yes of course".
Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
Today's lesson is: Having a Clear Vision
No other element is as critical to your success than having a clear vision for what you want to accomplish. That also includes what you want to look like, be like, with who, living where, doing what?
Once that is in place you can begin your journey.
I've listed some of my top ten vision quotes:
"If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."~ Robert Fritz
"Big thinking precedes great achievement." ~ Wilferd Peterson
"Dissatisfaction and discouragement are not caused by the absence of things but the absence of vision."~ Anonymous
"No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see the possibilities - always see them, for they're always there."~ Norman Vincent Peale
"The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious." ~ John Scully
"In the long run men hit only what they aim at." ~ Henry David Thoreau
"So many of our dreams seem impossible, then improbable, then inevitable."~Christopher Reeve
"Celebrate what you've accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed." ~ Mia Hamm
"The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never scoring." ~ Bill Copeland
"I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is that I can't find anybody who can tell me what they want." ~ Mark Twain
Having vision definitely helped my dad get to where he is today after having celebrated his 30th anniversary. Vision is what's driving the rest of my family to reach for excellence.
And all FSD students decide what their vision is after a few classes using an important tool, it comes free when you purchase our 10 Secrets Book. It will bring more clarity to your training and get you the results you're looking for.
Master Yourself,
Sifu Martin
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I feel like I'm having a bad dream
Just got an eviction letter for all my schools in Montreal, all 5 of them.
Some of those schools have been open for over 10 years.
I've worked so hard to make them successful, now it's all over.
I'm calling on all students to help me in some way to fight this thing.
They say I have a monopoly over the market and they're taking matters in their own hands.
The locks have been changed and the signs have been taken down.
My life's work down the drain.
All this right after we just celebrated our 30 th Anniversary.
I've got to drive down immediately to Montreal to figure out what the hell is going on.
I feel like I'm having a bad dream.
In fact, I am... April Fool's!!!
Just having a little fun this morning.
I remember when I was younger my parent's used to "get us" all the time. Just goes to show how "gullable" we can be some times.
Just because one person says something it doesn't mean it's true.
Just like how deceiving book reviews, movie reviews, martial art forum discussions, chat room chatter, and the media can be, make your own assumptions and investigate personally before making any conclusions.
I'm very hard to influence and I would advise you to be the same way. Be a "Contrarian" like my dad taught me to be. When people zig you zag.
You know what they say about not being the lead dog? The view is always the same.
Be a self-leader, influenced only by your experience and driven by your deepest desires, reaching the highest levels of consciousness.
Master Yourself and have a little fun today,
Sifu Martin