Friday, June 6, 2008

It's Louse Time! What you share multiplies

As you might already know, every Friday is "Louse Time".

Many of my readers look forward to this weekly issue and I do to. My father once told me a long time ago:

"What you KEEP diminishes, What you SHARE multiplies".

Whenever I can share my personal experiences and what I've been through, just the thought of helping push you in the right direction when it comes to martial arts and physical fitness, keeps me motivated to write on a daily basis.

Sijo and my mother are gone to the Annual Americade Rally in Lake George.

They're expecting 50 to 60 thousand motorcycle riders this year. That must be quite a sight to see with people all over the world sharing their passion for riding.

As you might of read in Sijo's Bio, they had a near fatal motorcycle accident back in 1984.

For most people that would of been enough to sell the bike and never think of riding ever again.

I still remember getting the news, I was only 6 years old, and we were all playing outside having fun in the backyard while my grand-mother was babysitting us.

You have all these images flash through your mind and the thought of losing your parents is un-thinkable. It was like a bad dream.

You ask yourself, Why me? Why us? Why did this happen? In the end you realize there is no why. You realize it's only a question of how much power you give it.

When I saw my parents leave on Wednesday it taught me an important lesson.

Do not let past experiences stop you from enjoying the things that make you happy or let them stop you from taking action on a goal or a dream for a second, third or even a fourth time.

"The past does not equal the future"

Even though I didn't have my own personal "Louse Time" today with Sijo this is what resonated with me when I woke up this morning.

Sibok Martin

P.S Speaking of future, what's in yours? health, vitality, strength and serenity? Those qualities are the by products of the secret 500 year old training system I'll be releasing very shortly.
Stay tuned.

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