Wednesday, July 9, 2008

2008 World Kobudo Convention DVDs

Just a quick reminder to let you know there are still copies of the European Tour DVD set we shot in France.

There's over 4 hours of footage, all shot in HD. A collector piece for sure, since we don't know if we'll ever film an event like this in that much detail ever again.

Since this is a product for our good friend John Therien and the World Kobudo Federation and the several thousand members it has, a large chunk of the DVDs are going to them.

Since we produced it I will keep a box just for our members who wish to pick up a copy before we run out.

Just the opening teaser is worth the price of the DVDs.

You can get them here.

That's all for now,

Sifu Martin

P.S Tomorrow I'll let you know what's happening on the 27 th of July. Stay tuned.

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