Monday, July 7, 2008

Firewalk Canada gets European Coverage

You can read an interesting article in Ceinture Noire (the equivalent of Black Belt Magazine in Europe) in the July-August issue.
Ceinture Noire Magazine
Ceinture Noire Magazine
Firewalk Article Page 1
Firewalk Article Page 2
There's a 4 page spread about firewalking and how it transfers to your martial art training and personal development.

Why does firewalking have so much appeal?

It seems to take more and more these days to impress someone.

Or I should say, more people are looking for unique, empowering experiences they can recall in moments of doubt, anxiety, and fear.

That is our goal with firewalking, to give every attendee a powerful image of themselves accomplishing and taking action despite obstacles they face.

You learn to trust yourself and after having walked across the fire bed you now have proof, something tangible that leaves a permanent mark on your subconscious.

It's a powerful association you make with success and one you keep tucked away whenever a challenge might arise.

This article is also published in English and German, I'll let you know tomorrow which magazine they're in.

If you need to have a stronger image you can focus on when you need more confidence, join us Aug. 24 th at the Pagoda, the only facility of it's kind in Eastern Canada.

Aim Higher,

Sibok Martin

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