Thursday, January 8, 2009

Seize the Present Moment

Yesterday was a day of reflection for me.

15 years ago one my best friends died in a car crash, he was only 17 years old.

He was a fellow practitioner and FSD instructor.

Every January 7 th I'm reminded to seize the present moment.

None of us signs any contract with life. He was so young with so much life in front of him, so many special moments could of been shared.

I remember the first time I drove a car to the city all by myself was with him, he trusted me and I trusted him.

Who knows what comes after death, I sometimes wonder if he watches me, one thing for certain, everything changed after that day.

I am here. You are here. Anything you think about or dream about, START it. Some say I'll do it tomorrow or next week, who says there will be a next week?

When your light extinguishes, it's too late.

I never want to reach a point in my life where I say : I shoulda done this or I woulda done that...

Take action NOW.

Attack your goals with passion and commitment this year.

Master Yourself,

Sifu Martin

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