Monday, May 26, 2008

Best prices for kettlebells

Yesterday we held our Kubotan and Kettlebell Combo Seminar.

It's always a pleasure to work with dedicated students who take their training very seriously and show a genuine interest in improving themselves.

One weapon you must learn to use is the pencil size kubotan stick. It's legal. It's small and easily concealed. When applied in the correct pressure points will make any grown man scream for his mommy. Knowing you have it on you during a big concert, late at night or walking over to your car in an unattended parking lot is very reassuring.

It's also comforting to know you don't need to have it on you. A pencil, pen, keys, cell phone can be used similarly to protect yourself. Certainly not the flashiest of weapons, it holds its place in some of the most effective self-protection weapons available today.

From small tools like the Kubotan to BIG ones like the Kettlebells.

Kettlebells are a wonderful way to build grip strength, core strength, balance, body awareness, finesse, and skill.

To know how to move weight through space is an important element of being a martial artist.

Weighing in between 8 to 105 pounds, kettlebells can be twisted, lifted, turned and thrown in a variety of ways to train sport specific exercises or to re-habilitate an injured shoulder or back.

A perfect compliment to our already ultra efficient strength training system, kettlebells offer a progressive strength evolution. In order to build strength you need to constantly increase the level of resistance or weight you are moving.

How does kettlebells compare to standard weight machines?

The best way to explain it is kettle bells feel that much more alive. You need to constantly adjust and stabilize yourself, helping you use the whole body as one unit to perform the various exercises.

Compared to a machine where it isolates one particular muscle group and we all know that doesn't help you develop functional, useable power.

Your body needs to work as one unit, involving all muscle groups to kick in, if it's going to perform at a peak level.

If you're in the market to purchase kettlebells we're completing a big order right now and want to extend the savings to you.

Kettlebells are either not available at the local fitness store or way to expensive after you factor in shipping expenses.

If you find some for sale, they'll range between 112$ and 149 $ for a standard 36 pds kettlebell.

Ours are priced at 99$ and you can pick them up at any of our schools. You could actually make a profit re-selling them to the stores in your area, that's how cheap they are.

But I need to know by the end of the week. Send me an e-mail at with your order and I'll arrange to place the order for you.

Until next time,

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

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