Wednesday, December 30, 2009
All the Best in the New Year
Will you be ready?
You already know that written resolutions without taking action on them is a waste of time.
How do you "muster up" the will power to act on the goals you've set?
As a rule of thumb, start by the goals that are fairly easy to accomplish this way you'll build momentum and confidence. Or find a way to chunk down a goal.
Like losing weight.
Instead of focusing on losing 50 lbs right away in January, which might now seem impossible, overwhelming, and so far fetched, turn your focus to losing 1 lb a week.
This mini-success so to speak will get the ball rolling and help you believe you can do it. You'll surely end up losing more than 1 lb a week once you start getting results and most importantly getting inspired.
This same principle can be used in "flexibility goals" for example or "strength goals".
Chunking down is by far the best way to actually follow through on the goals you've set in 2010.
I'd like to thank you for being one of my subscribers and even more so if you were a customer of ours this year, I really appreciate it.
From my family to yours, may you have an adventurous, fulfilling, and prosperous new year.
Sibok M
Friday, December 18, 2009
Never to be Forgotten
The wall's history is set in stone never to be forgotten.
The stone tablets reminded me of the importance of writing, preserving and documenting goals, both past and present as they serve you in keeping track of YOUR history.
It serves you as a reminder of:
- What you were thinking about.
- What needed to be accomplished.
- Your dreams.
- What you went through to reach them.
- Who you were and who you've become.
I still review goals from 2, 3, 5 years ago.
Just the other day I crossed off a goal I had written 7 years ago.
Once you plant a seed in your subconscious mind it doesn't forget. It will be hard at work making sure it accomplishes what you set out to do even if it means taking a few more years for its completion.
When reviewing past and present goals you can't help but feel really happy that you took the time to write and record your thoughts and put a part of you on paper.
Your life and what you make/made of it is worth recording right?
Here you are at that time of year again where you have to prepare for next year's experience.
Physically, where will you BE at this time next year?
How much will you weigh? How strong will you be?
What about Flexibility? Endurance?
Which weapon will you master?
Will you make better food choices?
Cut out filthy habits of smoking or doing drugs?
Increase confidence to follow your true calling in life?
Will you remember to breathe and take care of your internal world, flowing the chi and releasing unwanted stress?
Who are you going to meet this year in love, business or as a role model?
Will you hold yourself accountable throughout the year to make sure you're following through and working towards the completion of the goals you've set?
Will you take some time alone at least once a week to meditate, feel your life and reflect on the choices you've made?
Will you dare to dream big goals?
Will you demand your absolute best even when you don't feel like it?
Will you get right back up after suffering a set-back or disappointment?
Will you walk the path of mastery this year?
I hope you do.
And I'll be right there beside you.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Birthplace of Wudang Neigong
No wonder they journeyed within, who wouldn't?
External Harmony meets Internal Harmony.
This is the birthplace of Wudang Neigong. The Wudang Mountains.
Forging a deep connection with yourself and flowing the chi within should be one of your highest priorities.
Training in this environment is good for the soul, a complete recharge, simply breathtaking.
Following the sun and the moon in various patterns was part of our intensive training.
If you would like to know more about Neigong Training and how you can get involved visit this link: Wudang Neigong
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Key component to feeling massive amounts of...
Going through more pictures yesterday from Bob Wall's visit to Canada back in May as well as my time spent with him in July in Los Angeles brought back memories and some important lessons he shared with me.
I happened to interview him in early January of this year and should make it available very soon.
Having such close ties to a man who trained and maintained one of the longest friendships with Bruce Lee is pretty cool indeed, considering not even a handful of people teaching Lee's art today can attest to that.
What was also cool was asking him advice on one of my "Louse Time" Blog Posts that I usually do on Fridays while he was here in May. As you might already know, "Louse Time" originated from the hit movie Enter the Dragon which starred Bob Wall (Ohara) opposite Bruce Lee.
The whole idea of Louse Time is to listen and forget what you think you know.
Always resorting back to a beginner's mind has served me well in my training and I hope you do the same.
To remain "Teachable" at every stage of your training and in life in general is a key component to feeling massive amounts of joy, motivation, and creativity.
Some people find this out later in life, asking themselves: "Why didn't I listen more, do more, or take more chances?"
Avoid these feelings of regret.
Be teachable.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
What a night!
What a night.
Watching the tribute video was both emotional and inspiring to see the years of dedication and what it takes to succeed in the competitive field of martial arts.
30 years and still going strong with this year being the greatest one of all.
If you're a student or following us from wherever you are in the world, Thank You.
This adventure my father has put us on is an exciting one filled with opportunities to meet great people, to better ourselves, and show other people the values of practicing martial arts.
You are part of a winning team. Real people who lives and breathes martial arts everyday.
We look forward to continuing to serve you in the new year that's just around the corner and may you accomplish all of your hopes and dreams in 2010.
Look for many new products and services being offered at the start of the new year.
From our family to yours, Happy Holidays.
Sibok M
Monday, December 14, 2009
Quit now or Quit later?
I've seen it all too many times in martial arts and the same is true in any other field.
Desire meets Action.
Before long, you realize some work has to be done before you can call yourself a martial artist.
Stickability is 95% ability.
What's common is getting discouraged in the early stages of your training when you feel uncoordinated, stiff and out of shape.
That, I can kind of understand, like all things new, a certain adaptation time is required so you can finally start moving naturally.
Mentally at this stage, the strong are separated from the weak.
What puzzles me are the ones that actually get the results they were looking for, like losing weight, increasing flexibility and strength, building confidence and character, developing skill and proficiency and then slowly see them slide into complacency.
Which is better quitting in the beginning or quitting in the end?
Neither one of them.
Turn your stickability to "high" so you can experience the joys of finishing what you start while realizing the path of self-mastery has no end to it, just a series of steps, moving you upward in your evolution.
Sibok M
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I feel so sad for them
We had a great time and the food was excellent except for one thing.
I usually go to the Casino about once a year, not to gamble but to enjoy a show or fine dining.
And this "thing" I already know, I'm reminded of it every time I go there.
I witness first hand the tragedy of not having goals, projects, a business, and ultimately the failure of not finding what you were born to do.
I see a room full of elderly people wasting away at the slot machines. Rows upon rows of white heads staring at a screen.
I feel so sad for them.
Is that life?
Is life so boring and uneventful that you have to settle for that?
I'm not condoning a night out of fun and gambling at the casino. It's just that every time I go I see the same thing.
If the same time and energy was invested in physical training, dream building, creating values for other people, and focusing on your true calling in life at ALL stages of life, wouldn't that bring you more joy, satisfaction and a sense of contribution?
Where do you invest most of YOUR time and attention?
"You become what you think about most of the time".
The first time my dad told me this powerful little sentence I immediately put it into practice.
Build a life you can be proud of, constantly strive to improve yourself and be committed to that philosophy throughout your life.
Only then will you win the real jackpot.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Neigong Training at the Temple of Heaven
Not just from an architectural stand point but from the landscape as well. Some of the trees here are 800 years old.
It is said that this temple was built as the meeting point between heaven and earth.
One thing for sure, there's a feeling of calmness and serenity here.
I like the symbolism behind each building and what it represents as well as why and how they were built. Every building serves a purpose adding to the overall beauty of the park.
Everything is calculated.
The imperial north-south axis that runs from the Temple of Heaven to the Forbidden City to the main Olympic site is quite impressive.
The way the number 9 or multiples of it were used to build the Altar of Heaven. The steps, the balustrades, the railings and the altar floor all comprise the multiple of 9, the numerical epitome of Yang, the positive force.
Standing on the center tablet of the Altar of Heaven was once considered the most sacred spot in the Chinese Empire. A person standing in the center of the altar who speaks softly will hear the echo of his own voice.
"Standing on the Center Tablet"
Others on the platform will not hear it because the sound echoes off the surrounding balustrade and returns directly to the center of the circle.
Also, in the same courtyard, if two people stand at the east and west extremes of the circular "Echo Wall" and speak softly, the sound will be propelled around to the person on the opposite side.
Not bad considering this was built starting in the 1400s.
Another area where the Chinese were and are ahead of their time is with internal energy development.
While in the park we managed to take some time, secluded in the forest, to practice our Neigong (internal work) training.
As you can see from this picture there are many spots where one can take time to harness and flow the chi energy in the body and to do it in this place was a privilege and an honor.
Want to know more about Neigong?
Check this out.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Monday, November 30, 2009
Give the Gift of Health & Confidence
Definitely a smart move.
Martial Arts is the gift that keeps on giving.
It's a gift that can:
- Potentially help save their life one day
- Give them an increased sense of physical well-being
- An outlet to relieve stress and tension
- A chance to learn tools to center oneself and strengthen the mind-body connection
- Boost Confidence and Self-Image
- Lose weight and tone the body
- Recharge your libido and optimize bodily functions.
- Eliminate aches and pains due to inactivity
- Stretch and re-align the body for improved posture
- Forces you to eat healthier, sleep better, and helps cut out excessive, destructive habits such as smoking, doing drugs or drinking and subsequently adding years to your life.
- Help set goals and give you the determination to follow through on them.
- And the list goes on and on.
Think about it, for men getting after shave, a shirt, an ipod, shoes, or a watch pale in comparison to martial arts training yet millions of people will buy that stuff with no lasting effect.
Same thing for women. Jewelry, handbags, shoes, boots, or another jacket, it just seems to get forgotten pretty quick after it's all over.
Get a hefty return on your investment, give the gift of health and confidence.
Every Fang Shen Do school in your area is accepting new students and is ready set you or someone you love up for classes. Simply visit this link, find the closest school and call or e-mail them to get details on gift certificates and how to get started.
Or if your loved ones are already martial artists visit the product section and see how you can help them increase their skill and martial art prowess.
Sibok M
Friday, November 27, 2009
It's Louse Time! Very Easy to Be Lazy
Whatever the reason might be, the reality is: IT HAPPENS.
It's important to realize this sooner rather than later.
Complacency always finds a way in.
Will you be ready?
Do not be a shadow of what you could of been or what you were.
Hold yourself to the highest standards possible in the areas of health and fitness. Stay excited about learning and acquiring new skills with child like enthusiasm. Be teachable and motivated to know there is still so much to learn.
After each success, stop to celebrate, then get back to work immediately. Realize that success isn't a one time thing. Each day should be evaluated as being a success or a missed opportunity.
Everything you have in your life, that which you are most happy or grateful about needs to be tended to and reminded that none of them are permanent unless you devote some time and energy to preserving them.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Karambit Training
Students were introduced to this ancient weapon used in Indonesia and in parts of the Phillipines.
KARAMBIT meaning "Tiger Claw" is a very simple yet lethal weapon.
The versatility in angles and grip positions is as simple as spinning the weapon through the ring in the handle which makes the Karambit one of my favorite close quarter weapons.
The principles and techniques are so easy to learn and doesn't require any special skill or years of training to be proficient with it.
As soon as I got introduced to this weapon in L.A last summer I was immediately hooked.
It compliments so well what we already do in our hand to hand, trapping and grappling techniques.
In case you missed it there's another Karambit seminar being held in Ottawa, 335 Catherine St. tonight at 8:30 pm.
You can register for it here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Fang Shen Do Channel on Youtube
If you would like to subscribe to our channel and also view a demo I just uploaded you can click on this link: Fang Shen Do Demonstration
It doesn't have any sound for copyright issues but originally this demo was done to the sound of Static-X's "Get to the Gone". A completely Free-Style Demo with no preparation, the way we like to do them!
Play the song while watching for added pleasure.
Sibok M
P.S. If you still haven't started your martial art training I encourage you to take advantage of our VIP Pass offered on the website. Find the school nearest you, then fill out the short form and hit "Sign Me Up".
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Did you exercise today?
On that same day, further out in Badachu Park, I came across this huge bell and thought:
"Why not go up and hit it, see what kind of vibration it creates?"
The sound was pretty cool but not what followed.
I didn't notice the sign at the bottom, top and sides of the bell that (what I found out later) said in chinese, one hit 5 yuan.
As I was walking away, a lady started running after me: "you pay, you pay, you hit bell"
"I thought I could hit the bell?" I said.
"See, look the sign here" she replies in her broken english.
"You hit 5 times"...
"I was happy?" I blurt back.
"You pay NOW"
I ended up paying for it.
It reminded me of the expression "There is no such thing as a free lunch"
Same thing goes for your training.
"Ain't nobody comin' for ya"
In the end you're the one who will have to do the reps, the sets, the sacrifice, the sweating and fighting procrastination. No one will do it for you.
Which is why it's so rewarding in the end.
You create your reality.
You make it possible.
You're 100% responsible for it.
Did you exercise today?
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Don't know where to start? Here's a good place to begin.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Nutrition Tips
While in Beijing, I was brought to a famous street, where food stands are lined up side by side, each offering their unique specialty.
This store was serving up something a little different.
Live Scorpions.
Skewered and still moving, people were lined up to sample these little critters.
I guess compared to us here in the west, this particular food doesn't look good but IS good for you. While most of OUR food looks good but isn't good for you.
This case is a little extreme but just look at the average North American's breakfast.
It's either:
1) Skipped all together
2) Cereal
3) Sugar laced coffee and a donut
4) Or even better a cream cheese bagel and a muffin.
Not to mention the junk that gets eaten during lunch time.
Yumbo! Makes for a very productive day.
Definitely not what our ancestors used to eat in the morning.
Whatever happened to water, fruits, nuts and protein first thing in the morning?
Large corporations are hard at work trying to tell you what to eat.
Use common sense. Eat what can be picked from a tree, dug up from the ground, hunted or caught in the sea.
Next time you visit the grocery store, focus on buying the food located on the outer walls of the store while avoiding most of the poisons found in the middle of it.
That coupled with an effective, short, dynamic fitness program as taught in our Station Training Kits and you'll be all set.
See what I mean here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Relic of the Buddha
These pictures are from that day also.
You'll notice the hill behind the temple in this first picture.
The perfect spot to do my Neigong Training.
The temple you see there houses a relic of the Buddha.
His TOOTH to be exact.
The whole process to get to see the tooth was a challenge.
Apart from waiting 4 hours in line and finding an appropriate gift to offer as sign of respect, fighting for position in what felt like being in a "mosh" pit to get in the front gate, once we got to the main doorway everything got really... quiet.
Definitely something worth doing if you're in China in the future.
I mean seeing the tooth was ok, but being there and thinking of the thousands of people (if not millions) who stepped into this place, revered the tooth, who held it, worshiped it, protected it over thousands of years.
As we stood at the very top level of the temple of light (the one you see in the first picture), all crunched up in this small room reciting words of respect in chinese, one word flashed in my mind and struck me:
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring himself to believe, he can achieve"
All these wonderful temples and places I've visited were all built by men and women who believed.
When building and protecting YOUR own temple (i.e: your life and everything it entails), make it strong, beautiful, and rewarding.
Believe in Yourself.
Build a strong body and mind.
Set the example for others around you.
Use the fighting spirit of the martial arts to fuel any project or goal to its completion.
I'll be back with more tomorrow,
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Monday, November 16, 2009
Have some Tea?
The tea ceremony was a daily ritual.
Actually 3 times a day to be exact.
Most of you know the benefits of drinking green tea and its antioxidant and detoxifying effects.
But did you know it's also a judge of character?
At least that's how I felt.
If I refused another cup I felt like it was a sign of disrespect. If I didn't drink from the cup the master had just given me I felt it was reflective of my unwillingness to learn.
No, would mean: not so motivated.
So I drank roughly 25 of them.
The tea like the neigong training was a gift.
Was I ready to receive it?
Even if I didn't like tea (which I do) you can bet I would of drank it anyway.
I know it's good for me.
Just like the Neigong Training.
At first some might think it's too hard or it's too this or it's too that.
Not only is it good for your Chi Circulation but it'll strengthen your ligaments and loosen your joints as well.
It's also very beneficial to your organs, namely your heart, liver and kidneys.
I like knowing I'm doing something different than everybody else.
Taking my health in my own hands and making it MY responsibility is a great feeling.
Which is why I encourage you to do the same.
Noboby takes your health at heart like you do.
Do you?
For me the dumbest thing in the world is eating the wrong foods, drinking too much, smoking and not exercising then expecting a broken health care system to come in and fix you when you created the problem in the first place.
Staying healthy isn't rocket science. Smart choices in terms of what you shove down your throat, a bit of will power and an active lifestyle is a great way to start.
If the above is taken care of, which most of you it should be if you're on my list, start developing yourself from the inside - out with regular Neigong practice.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. If you already own Neigong Foundation Work, smart move. Now start working from the outside - in with Station Training.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Exercise Induced Nausea
And as Garth would say from the 1992 Smash Hit "Wayne's World":
"If you're going to spew, spew into this"
Actually it's quite normal.
The common causes of exercise induced nausea are:
- Working out on an empty stomach
- Over-training
- Dehydration
- Non-active lifestyle
Even if you know you can push yourself harder, gradually work yourself up to that level by scaling back a bit on the level of intensity and exertion you put into each exercise.
Then when your body is accustomed to the style of workout (i.e Intense Interval Training) you can start making significant gains in your level of fitness.
That doesn't mean you'll never feel nauseous.
Nausea can happen at any fitness level. It either means you failed to prepare your body correctly (food, water, etc...) before starting your workout or you know you pushed yourself to a whole other level.
The best way to train is with a proven, progressive system which is designed to automatically increase your endurance threshold consistently over the course of 6 weeks.
When that is achieved you're ready to step it up again.
And again.
And again.
There's no limit to what your body can do. You just have to stick with it.
No one wants to "spew" on their first training day that's for sure.
If you do, let it be a big wake up call to finally get yourself in the best shape possible, make the right food choices and live a healthier lifestyle.
Here's what we do.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Knife Defense Tactics
Before entering a pretty famous street in Beijing this sign and others like it were posted on an A-Frame.
Even if someone was carrying a weapon why would they reveal it?
And if they did, there was no place to drop the knives and guns off like in the wild west.
According to Police Reports most knife attack survivors, when asked to fill their report, never saw their assailant's weapon nor did they realize they were being stabbed or cut.
Most go to say they thought they were being punched.
Therefore most martial arts schools teach knife defenses all wrong.
Think about it, if you were the attacker bent on killing someone or seriously injuring them, wouldn't you also be very deceptive and sneaky to wait for the perfect opportunity to unleash your attack and be successful with it?
Knowing this makes preparing for a knife attack way more challenging. It's even more difficult to comprehend what goes on inside an attacker's mind and how someone could follow through with something so gruesome.
You only come to realize that if you want to survive a knife attack you have to be as ruthless and unforgiving as they are.
Your life will depend on it.
Your best reaction should always be, avoid any potentially dangerous situations at all costs, think ahead, remove yourself and walk away from any kind of dispute, and weary of anyone stepping into your safety zone.
The problem is you never know what can happen. Who knows what the future holds?
I'm sure the lucky ones who survived a knife attack wished they knew more about dealing with a knife and the ones who lost their life, well I ask myself "What if?"
Would it of made any difference? What if everyone who went to college, men and women, had a mandatory knife defense course to complete?
More and more people are carrying knives, hearing about knife attacks are very common in the newspaper, finding the reports and statistics for your city would shock you.
No approach is fool proof. There is no magic formula but spending some time educating yourself on the subject of knife defense is a very good idea.
There are many courses and DVDs out there on the subject of knife defense.
Here's the first step to what we do and if you like our approach there will be more volumes being released shortly.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Friday, November 6, 2009
It's Louse Time! Protect the Garden
(if you're not new jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon.
You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time!
The agent replies with his British accent: "yes of course".
Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
The purpose of Louse Time is to challenge a belief you might have or make you look at your training or life in general from a different perspective.
Today's lesson is: Protect the Garden
My dad shared something profound with me this morning.
It's an important life lesson he's talked to me about before, just in a different way.
It has to do with Protecting your Garden.
Yes I know this is a good time of year to prepare the soil of your garden before winter and to make sure it's ready for the spring but that's not what I'm talking about.
My dad is talking about the garden that is growing between your EARS.
The garden you should be constantly tending to, cleaning up dead or diseased foliage (old ideas), removing debris (clinging to the past), leaves (things left undone), stakes and row markers (finding new goals), dead roots (trusting your own instincts), and any fruits and vegetables that may be spoiled (If you don't like the results you've been getting, change your approach).
Most of you have no problem with protecting your property, your home or your car.
But something way more valuable is often forgotten.
Never forget to protect...
Your Mind.
Control what goes in. Enhance what comes out. Avoid Stinkin' Thinkin'. Read inspiring books, Turn off the TV and the radio, screen who you talk to and hang around with - ultimately blocking out all bad seeds, and listen to your own intuition when making decisions. In most cases it's always the right one.
The quality of your thinking is in direct proportion to how much happiness, love, and success you'll get to attract and experience.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. What do you do with all that waste?
The same way throwing disease or parasite infected waste into the compost could potentially spread the disease to your garden next year (old habits die hard), you'll want to either throw it away or burn it (replace the old habits with new ones). Start by making better health choices when it comes to food and drink and follow a proven system to get you fit, FAST.
Get started here.
Secret to Progression
Time and Repetition.
Both lead to results depending on your point of view.
Some activities and habits slowly destroy your body while others inject it with youth and vitality.
Which ones are YOU engaging in?
People often write in to ask how fast will they get results in their fitness level if they follow the instructions contained in our Station Training System, or "When will I be able to do a full split between two chairs the way Sijo, the Founder, is performing it on your Flexibility Series?". Some also ask: "When will I feel the chi coursing through my body as explained in your Neigong Program?".
Same kind of questions I guess I asked myself when I took that picture: "How much time did it take to dent the slate on the Great Wall steps to erode them that way?
Time and Repetition.
Talking about how fit you will become or the levels of strength you will attain won't get you anywhere. Waiting to find the best time to finally start taking care of your health will lead to you never starting in the first place. Dreaming without doing is a waste of time.
Every day that goes by where you fail to take action on your goals is an empty day. An opportunity lost to find fulfillment and a deep feeling of accomplishment in your life.
Act now.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Monday, November 2, 2009
The view was awesome, the feeling was amazing
It took us about an hour to hike up to this area and the view on Beijing and the surrounding hills and temples was breathtaking.
Out of all the places I visited during my trip, training in this area and the memory of it, as well as the feeling I experienced while doing my training here, will surely be one of the most memorable moments of my trip.
In Fang Shen Do we encourage our students to anchor important moments you go through either in your training or in life in general.
An anchor helps recall past experiences you can use in the present moment to snap yourself in a specific state at some other point in your life. You can relive a feeling you had in 3, 6, 12, 24 mths from now just by calling upon that anchor.
Think about a moment in your life where you felt the happiest, the most confident, or the strongest. With the right anchors in place you can get to feel that way every day.
We all live with anchors or associations, some of those can be positive while others can be negative.
I count on the positive anchors I've set to keep myself motivated, happy, thankful, and energized every day. These over power any negative ones that might creep up.
Music can be a source of empowerment or it can put you in a sad, depressed state so be weary of what you listen to.
Starting something new might bring some anxious feelings, butterflies in the stomach, these can remind you of past failures and stop you from following through or they can fill you with excitement knowing you're going to learn something new.
Sitting on the couch to watch TV might help you relax, unwind and disconnect or it can serve to remind you that lying down catatonic doesn't help you in any way to grow and reach the goals you've set for yourself.
These are just basic examples. Think of all the associations your mind has made since you were born.
Which associations do you have about exercise?
Waking up early.
Etc. Etc...
The good news is associations and habits can be changed or replaced in 21 days or less.
Are you ready to make exercising a positive starting point to make other key changes in other areas of your life?
Here's how I'd like you to get started.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Mind like a Monkey
There are many ways to do so via physical exercise, foot and body massage, a hot bath, sauna, etc...
Where it becomes difficult is with our mind.
The mind will never stop.
It will never be satisfied or at ease.
New thoughts will enter your mind as quickly as one is dismissed.
The first source of your thoughts come from your five senses.
Everything you've learned since you were born has entered through your five senses.
Naturally, your five senses often distract you from enjoying your relax time or your training time with a hefty supply of feedback such as:
Too hot. Too cold. I'm itchy. You're hungry. Need to move. I'm tired. My feet hurt. etc...
How do you shut it off?
While in China, this particular condition plagued me at first.
Out of my usual routine of doing several hundred reps to now stepping it up in the thousands and performing them at 1 and 5 am and at different times in the day, my mind literally was like a monkey.
Wandering. Questioning. Complaining.
Until I reminded myself what the master's wife had told me earlier.
There is no You. There is no Space. There is no Place. None of them exist. Only focus on the Chi. Bring your full attention, your spirit and your heart to that place and time will just fly by.
Time really did fly by. I've returned more motivated than ever to spread the elements of Neigong.
Before reaching the point of creating and mixing an energy bubble you need to get started on the foundation work of Neigong contained in the first installment in the series.
Here's the first step to reaching that level.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. There is a level of calmness you've never experienced before after training in Neigong. I want you to feel what I feel. Get started today.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Back Home
Last week I got back from China.
And slowly re-adjusting to our time zone.
I can't wait to share and upload some of the pictures and videos from my trip.
I wish more people could of seen and felt the things I experienced while traveling in the orient.
Through e-mails and blog posts you'll be able to get an idea of what I went through.
Check back often as I sift through several hundred pictures and videos and post them here on the website.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Intense Neigong Training Schedule
Here'a quick snapshot at the end of one of our workouts.
It's about 1:00 am.
Usually, Neigong training isn't as intensive as this.
But for our stay here and at the master's request we have to follow this traditional training schedule.
5 am to 7 am.
11 am to 1 pm.
5 pm to 7 pm.
11 pm to 1 am.
And so on, every day for 10 straight days.
That doesn't leave too much time to write blogs, e-mails, visit temples, talk to family and sleep!
But still I managed to do all of the above, barely.
If I could get 4 hours of sleep a night I was lucky.
This schedule follows the pattern of the sun and the moon and is focused on absorbing energy from both sources (Yin and Yang)
Disciples of the art are encouraged to seclude themselves once a year in this fashion for 2 to 4 weeks.
This is not a pre-requisite to getting results and understandably not for everyone.
Still it was a thrill and a challenge to go through it all.
Even while back here in Canada I still wake up at these times ready to train.
I'll be posting some more interesting training philosophies in the next few days.
Stay tuned,
Sibok M
Mind Your Step
Notice the choice of words.
Instead of the invasive: "WATCH YOUR STEP!"
A simple word change brings about a whole other meaning.
One of awareness and mindfulness.
The words you use have a direct effect on everything you do, your thoughts and the results you get.
Words you use are either empowering or disempowering you.
There are many word and phrase changes you can start switching to. The most obvious ones are those you use when it comes to your training, your relationships, your job, etc...
When you wake up in the morning before going to work, what do you automatically think about or say to yourself?
Or before heading out to class for your weekly training?
You can be sure, using the right words while doing something extreme like firewalking is the difference in you reaching the other side safely.
Some words can bring about fear, doubt, and uncertainty while others foster confidence, determination, and follow through.
This weekend is our last firewalking event of the year. The whole experience revolves around making changes to self limiting beliefs, unlocking your potential, and deeply imprinting a pattern of success you can then transfer to any area of your life.
To register follow this link.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Meeting with the Master
Seeing Raf interact with his master reminds me of how I, and other senior Sifus in Fang Shen Do interact with my dad.
There's a deep sense of friendship, lots of laughter and respect.
There is cause for celebration as East and West unite and share in spreading this internal art to the world.
I'm realizing as I'm writing this that meeting Raf was a blessing and this new journey in the internal world will be a fruitful one.
As I've said in the past it's important for Fang Shen Do to always be on the cutting edge of martial arts. Adding this new facet to our training will greatly benefit our students all around the world.
Although Neigong is very old and has been around for quite some time, most martial arts are strictly externally focused and the ones who are dubbing themselves "internal" are missing important components to increasing their Chi circulation that only neigong training can help stimulate.
Once the building blocks are in place (Through diligent Neigong training), internal art practitioners can take their Tai Chi or Bagua to a whole other level.
If you are training an internal art I strongly recommend you look into Neigong Training. It can save you years of frustration trying to get the results you really want.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Like attracts Like
This picture taken at the Forbidden City off of a huge copper caldron used to store water in case of a fire reminded me of what my father always told me about "What you are looking for is looking for you".
Keeping your goals and desires at the forefront of your mind and reviewing them daily, insures you attract into your life the person or people, the circumstances, or the feeling you are looking for.
One way to be clear about what you want is to clearly write down what you want.
As simplistic as it might sound, the scary part is most people don't have written down goals?
Some have a general idea in their head. And others are oblivious, just going through the daily grind, reacting to life instead of designing it.
I want you to get what you want. I really mean that.
If you're on this list you're at the right place.
DECIDE today what you really want in all areas of your life then attack it with passion and a burning desire.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Interestingly before leaving for China, I packed my journal to record thoughts and feelings after each neigong training to review and track my progression. While flipping through it I came upon an old entry, 3 years to the day, where I clearly stated my intention of traveling to China to work with a neigong master. My book is filled with examples like these. Through reading my blogs and e-mails, one might think of my situation and unique experiences as being lucky. I'm simply following my plan. Write yours today!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Walking in the footsteps of an Emperor
Tiananmen Square & the Forbidden City, once home to the Emperor and his extended family, now a place for everyone to congregate and appreciate Chinese culture and history.
Walking in this place feels kinda like when you first start practicing martial arts: You're a bit Overwhelmed.
Overwhelmed with what you have to learn and accepting of the fact that you need to give your body time to adapt.
Just like this place, it wasn't built in a day. The same is true with your development.
To avoid being overwhelmed, you must take one step at a time.
That's why in our approach we put major focus on the conditioning part first.
Your body, like tilling the soil of a garden, ready for harvesting must be just right. Getting your body fit first is a wise way of liking the results you get out of your martial art training.
Once that is in place, the foundation you've created will be there for you to fall back on as you continue walking the path of mastery.
Sibok M
P.S. Want to see how quickly we get our students ready for the martial art journey? Follow this link.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Floating Dragon
As if in a dream, trekking up and down this marvelous landmark left me just standing in disbelief.
I must of used the french swear words about a hundred times or so.
And it also gave my quads one hell of a workout.
One thing I found funny was how the people here call the Wall of China. It resembles the name of a primary technique we use in Fang Shen Do.
I don't know if this is the right spelling but they call it: Chung-Chung
Seeing something like this before my training starts really opens my mind to the endless possibilities of the human potential either in neigong training, physical martial art skills development, or the many dreams and goals I have yet to accomplish.
The qualities which were required to make the Great Wall a reality are the same ones that reside in you. Some maybe active, others dormant, it's time to get to work.
We all have our own personal Great Wall to build.
What kind of mark will you leave in this world?
Just a thought.
Sibok M
P.S. Because of my inability to access Blogger, Facebook or Twitter from China (Government ban on certain sites) my posts will be sporadic but nonetheless make sure to check out the pics and interesting philosophy coming your way from Red China.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Want More Health?
Work dissatisfaction is the number one cause of alcoholism and drug addiction according to leading Rehab Centers.
It's also the root cause of stress and other ailments.
As you already know stress leads to premature aging and those who enjoy their work lead longer, happier lives.
Make sure you find work that you find enjoyable, challenging and beneficial to yourself and others.
If you like your work THERE IS no stress.
Same thing with your training.
Your training time should be one of the highlights of your day.
Think about it, less than 1 % of the population practice martial arts. Whenever you do (practice), it's your secret weapon against aging, bone density loss, circulation problems, mood swings, and stiffness.
Consider yourself lucky that you have some of this knowledge.
If you aren't practicing martial arts I urge you to start now.
What's disappointing for me is someone who has this knowledge of martial arts but doesn't use it on a regular basis.
There is a tool we use in FSD to stay persistent and consistent in our training. It comes free with a copy of our Book : 10 Secrets to a Rock Solid Martial Art Foundation. Learn more about it here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Fight Night a Success
Our Sanshou/Chinese Kickboxing Division is headed by Sifu Stephane Patenaude and Sifu Patrick Marcil.
When asked how does Sanshou differ from any other type of tournament Sifu Patrick replied: "Sanshou combines the explosiveness of Kickboxing and Muay Thai sprinkled with the Grappling element of throws, sweeps and lifts. Since the spectators want to see high action striking and intense exchanges between the fighters, the ground game is excluded from the rules."
"A Fight Night is about Entertainment and keeping matches fast paced." added Sifu Stephane, "So that's what we try to deliver at every single event we organize."
As always, our goal is to keep our students happy and give them the kind of challenge they are looking for.
Every student's goal is different. Some just want to get in the best shape of their life. Others want to learn effective self-defense for the streets so they can protect themselves and their family. A big portion of our students are interested in personal development and how they can increase their level of concentration, self-discipline, determination, confidence, and using martial arts as a tool to acquire success in all areas of their life.
No matter what your goals might be, you'll find an area within the Fang Shen Do System where you can learn and grow.
And it couldn't be easier to get started. Takes us up on our Free Month Offer, and start reaching your goals today.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
If a kid can do it so can you
I guess if you're not a parent this post might not interest you but... think again, I think you can find something of value here, read on.
Before she was born I saw myself teaching her everything I could about physical fitness, confidence, endurance, flexibility, creativity, and fostering the many qualitites of a martial artist in her.
As time went by, me and my spouse saw the positive influence implementing these qualities have had on her.
Being only 5 years old, she can already perform Pull-Ups from a dead hang as well as Chin-Ups, while holding her chin above the bar for close to a minute.
She can pump out 100 squats non-stop. 25 Nose to floor push-ups. Run 400m in under 3 minutes. Hold a hand stand. Hold a head stand. Bridge her body nose to floor with ease. And so on.
In my line of work I hear alot of excuses from grown men or women for the reasons they haven't started to make their health and fitness a number one priority, or the reasons they had to put it on hold, or the: "I would start if I wasn't so damn busy" crock.
If a kid can progress to a level of strength like I mentioned above, the same can be accomplished in your own training.
You just need to start and there really is no limit to how strong, flexible, confident, or self-determined you can be.
What really happpens between childhood and adulthood?
Where does the enthusiasm go to?
It's still there but I think it's misdirected into things that drain you of energy compared to being revitalized by them.
The best way to start recharging your batteries is by engaging in daily activity and following a proven system to get amazing results.
These strategies are the same I've used with my own kids to help build their level of fitness to where it is today.
Let's get started now.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Friday, September 25, 2009
It's Louse Time! The Calm after the Storm
(if you're not new jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon.
You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time! The agent replies with his British accent: "yes of course".
Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
Today's lesson is: The Calm after the Storm
I have a very fond memory of being 6 years old and cooling down and meditating after a kung-fu class.
My father explaining to us to: "Never, ever forget this feeling you have after your training. You'll need to recall on it at different points in your training life if you're ever going to accomplish any worth while goal in the martial arts."
No matter how much you don't feel like training on a certain day or you're just distracted or busy with other things in your life, think of how good you feel after your workout and how you want to re-live that sense of accomplishment, positive energy, and emotional release over and over again.
Sometimes getting yourself to train or making it through a tough workout might feel like being caught in a storm.
No matter which obstacles you have to go through, whether created by you by ways of negative self-talk and making excuses to skip a workout or the actual difficulty of the routine you're following, there is calmness, joy, bliss, and a deep connection with yourself which occurs after each workout.
That's why I never miss workouts and you shouldn't either, what you lose by not attending and completing them cost you...
A chance to reflect on you. There is no B-S'ing yourself. You KNOW if you gave it all you had or slacked off. You feel if you've been consistent in your training by how you feel after them: strong and rejuvenated or weak and struggling.
A chance to listen to your heartbeat and feel the pulse of your life.
Do not miss workouts or martial art class it keeps you young, vibrant, and on the path of mastery.
Sibok M
P.S. If you haven't yet had the opportunity to learn more about the Fang Shen Do Conditoning program and actually get started with it, here's the quickest way to do that: Start Now!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
How long can YOU concentrate?
If it can do that for a kid that has an attention deficit or suffers from hyper-activity, imagine what it can do for children who don't need help in that area? It will give them an edge in all sport related activities, boost their confidence and sharpen their mind dramatically.
When we hear about ADD and ADHD, the common belief is that kids are the only ones who suffer from it right?
No.How long can YOU concentrate?
Good Question.
"The inability to concentrate or to stay concentrated" has been popping up in my different meetings with prospective students lately.
How much more could you get done if you had total focus?
The power of focus helps you enjoy and appreciate the present moment without interruption.
It helps achieve short and long term goals.
It makes for higher quality workouts completed in less time.
Focus keeps you out of a trance state, can you imagine, many drivers on the road today can't quite recall their trip to work, as if in a daze, got distracted and drove on auto-pilot to their destination. How's that for road safety? Has that ever happened to you?
There are many things distracting us in our life. Taking the time to train your concentration & focus can save your life, helps you achieve what you want to achieve, increases awareness both physical and mental, helps you relax and express gratitude for that one thing we can't live without...
Not two, not three breaths at a time but ONE breath. We all take one precious breath at a time and most of us forget to pay attention to it.
That's why meditation is so good for you. It helps you just stop and realize how good it is to be alive.
If you're meditating daily (doesn't have to be very long and there exists many ways to meditate without no one ever knowing what you're really doing) stress just seems to melt away and keeps you in a constant state of happiness. You can't help but feel that way, after all, us being here is a gift and meditation reminds us of that.
Sounds interesting?
Would you like to know more?
Here's a great way to get started.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
New School in Ville Ste-Catherine, Quebec
Ville Ste-Catherine will be home to our most recent addition of locations to help serve you better.
In charge of the school will be, originally a Tae Kwon Do Black Belt, Marc Beauchamp who made the switch after his first Fang Shen Do class at the St-Denis Montreal Location almost 7 years ago.
Now FSD Black Belt and nearing Sifu Level, he'll be assisted by Samuel Gagnon, one of his top students.
Marc is a perfect example of putting the lessons of FSD to work. Since I've known him, he's always done what he said he was going to do. He makes no excuses for himself. Exhibits great confidence and cares about his students' development.
If you live in the Ville Ste-Catherine area and want a new challenge, a different approach to martial arts training, and need to get physically fit fast, you'll soon be able to register on-line for a free VIP pass for one month of free classes.
You'll find the "Ville Ste-Catherine" link in our "Schools" section tomorrow.
Always growing!
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Monday, September 21, 2009
Bruce Lee Philosophy
Here's one taken at Richard Bustillo's school in the south bay.
A special hand written note from Bruce Lee:
"Simplicity is the end of art, the beginning of nature"
I particularly like this statement as it clearly defines where I, and hopefully, YOU want to be.
Whether in martial arts or in life, reaching a point where everything flows.
To transition from TRYING to be a martial artist to just BEING a martial artist.
When it comes to performing techniques they become as natural as walking. Strengthening your mind to a point where giving up is not an option. Acquiring the ability to focus and take action without giving in to distractions realizing control over your will is the supreme court over all departments of your mind.
To understand your emotions are both negative and positive, learning to capitalize on the positive ones while transforming the negative emotions into useful action.
Finding pleasure in intense exercise and being committed to it all your life.
Stay on the path of mastery, self-conquest is the greatest of victories.
Martial Artists are a special breed of people, be proud to call yourself one.
Sibok M
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
An important training secret
One of them was a picture of my dad doing one-arm 2 finger push-ups back in 1977.
I remember thinking when I first saw that picture: "How am I ever going to do that?"
Or trying to do them in my basement when I was just a little kid and failing miserably, thinking my fingers were going to crack and bend backwards at the knuckles.
"How could I ever become strong enough to lift my own bodyweight on two little fingers?"
Many factors contributed to me eventually being able to perform this feat of strength, like following my father's advice, but there's also one thing that most people forget to include in their training.
Chances are YOU have forgotten to implement this critical component in your training.
Whenever you reach a level where you can easily perform a said exercise, you have to ask yourself: "What's next?"
If you're working with weights it has to be an increase in weight.
If you're running you have to cut your run time by 'X' time.
The same is true with bodyweight exercises like the ones we incorporate in our Fang Shen Do training.
This mentality is built into our training system and that's why it's such an effective way to train.
If you're not already training with our Basic Strength Training Kit, what are you waiting for?
If you already own the Basic System for the past 12 weeks why haven't you gotten the Intermediate level?
Your strength and endurance depends on it. Keep the ball rolling. Force your body to adapt by constantly challenging it.
There's just no other way to progress and get stronger but by asking yourself: "what's next?"
Put yourself to the test and see what kind of results you can get, you never know, with the right intensity and consistency doing those 2 finger push-ups just might become too easy and leave you asking the inevitable question.
Master Yourself,
Sibok Martin
P.S. Instead of figuring it out by yourself and spending years refining and deciding which exercises are best to build upon so you keep on progressing why not just pick up one of our Strength Training Kits today. Easiest thing you'll ever do.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Fight Night Coming Soon
Some of the participants used this opportunity to prepare for our upcoming Fight Night on Sept. 26th in Casselman at the JR Brisson Complex.
If you live close to this venue, tickets for the event can be purchased by using this link.
12 matches are already scheduled with a few more waiting last minute confirmation.
Watch as Sanshou rules makes for more electrifying matches with the combination of punching, kicking and throwing techniques.
If you're still on the fence to actually getting started practicing martial arts, this will be the best way to get a feel of what you could do, the skill you could have and the benefits you will reap from training in the martial arts.
See you there!
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Friday, September 11, 2009
It's Louse time! Single Most Important Quality
(if you're not new jump right away to today's lesson below)
Every day I communicate to you the best ways to train and the kind of mindset it takes to get results either in your physical fitness or martial art training.
Friday is always what I call: "Louse Time". Modeled after Bruce Lee's strategy in Enter the Dragon.
You know that part where he's having tea with the government agent but he's disturbed by one of his students and Bruce Lee tells the agent: It's Louse Time! The agent replies with his British accent: "yes of course".
Since I'm 6 years old that scene has always stuck with me and I'll be using that same strategy with YOU every week.
Friday is where I share with you Life Lessons and Direction given to me by my dad (and Sifu) every Friday.
Today's lesson revolves around the single most important quality you need to develop.
Without it you can't accomplish anything worthwhile.
Once you've acquired it, it will improve every area of your life.
Through martial art practice this quality is harvested early on in your training.
Armed with this quality there's nothing you can't accomplish or excel in.
I'm talking about Self-Confidence.
Think about it.
If you had total confidence in yourself, what would you NOT do?
From a physical standpoint, if you had confidence in your capabilities and felt like you mastered your body through martial art training and you knew you were strong, coordinated, flexible and agile, you wouldn't shy away from any physical activity or sport.
If you had total confidence knowing you could protect yourself, would you travel more and see the world?
What if you had complete emotional confidence?
Feeling unafraid of criticism, failure, doing things differently, standing up for what you believe in?
You don't grow unless you step out of your comfort zone.
You know what? Confidence is not permanent.
You constantly need to work on it, chase it relentlessly and not lose it.
Keep challenging yourself. Stay sharp. Get the edge.
Boost your confidence by attending our next Firewalking event held on October 25th. , finally acquire the piece of the puzzle that makes everything happen no matter what field you're in.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Share in this celebration
As is customary, every year my parents go on a bike ride this very day to prove to themselves that what happened that day was just a fluke accident and in no way would it stop them from enjoying the open road and the freedom associated with riding a motorcycle for years to come.
It reminds me and I hope it does you, that whatever happens to us in our life, whether good or bad, in the end we choose to give it power or we simply move along unaffected by it.
You can be so grateful for the little things in your life or be so caught up as to miss them.
Which one will it be?
When you go to bed tonight express some gratitude for the health you have and the people who are dear to you.
Attack each day with enthusiasm and passion.
We're so happy to be able to offer you quality products and be able to help you in some way through the practice of martial arts. Today is a special day for my parents.
It's a reminder to celebrate life.
We're extending that gratitude to you in the form of a sale.
25 years ago my parents were blessed to survive and be given a second chance, so please enjoy a 25% discount on any of our products today until midnight tomorrow.
You just need to punch in: LIFE in the coupon box at check out.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Monday, September 7, 2009
You tried but failed
You've all experienced it at different stages in your life.
You tried but failed.
You got hurt but still you persisted.
You felt fear but plunged ahead.
At some point you needed someone for guidance and when no one was there you trusted your own instincts.
Funny how, throughout the different stages of our life, different experiences and situations call for the same qualities you needed to apply to ride your bike all by yourself.
For a 5 year old, riding a bike is one of the scariest things you could ever do. But still we all end up riding one.
So why do some people end up being in the best shape of their life while others struggle in that department?
Why do some people seem to attract what they want effortlessly while others repel it?
The same can be said about relationships, careers, martial art skill, financial independence, happiness, being fulfilled, etc...
Whatever you want to accomplish, the potential is there. The seed of greatness, discipline and self-determination resides in all of us, it's your willingness to hop back on the bike even after you've fallen that will make the difference.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Learn how to harness the power that resides in you by attending our next Firewalk event held on October 25th at 7:00 pm. Sign up for it here.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
American Idol with a Martial Art Twist
It's important to me to "practice what I preach".
Naturally, when I encourage you to act in spite of fear, or to stay on the path of mastery, or even forcing you to step out of your comfort zone, I myself need to be constantly doing that.
While in L.A my friend Sifu Brian gave me a heads up about an Audition happening at the Kodak Theater (where the Oscars are held every year) for the next Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie coming out in 2011.
They were auditioning for a special Foot Clan Stealth Team in the upcoming movie.
It was the same as "American Idol" or "So you think you can dance" audition shows with a martial art twist.
So imagine stepping in front of 4 judges which included Ernie Reyes Jr and the movie's executive producers and add about 1000 spectators watching from the sideline while 700 other fellow auditioners look at you as you perform a quick 30 second demo, showcasing your skills.
Stepping out of your comfort zone?
Tell me about it.
I went there with no expectations, just for the fun of it and to test myself.
Had a blast.
Felt good to feel some nervousness and anxiety.
It forced me to re-learn and apply what I have learned over the course of my 25 + years in the martial arts.
It's always interesting to notice how FEAR always feels the same.
Whether you're jumping out of a Plane, Public Speaking, Making a Career change, or Sparring for the first time, the symptoms are the same.
Heart Palpitations, Dry mouth, Sweating, Self-Defeating Thoughts and Dialogue and so on.
With the right training, all of these can be controlled and eliminated.
Something that has helped me and I know it can help you is learning to Firewalk.
It's the fastest way to understand to "Just Go For It" and not be paralyzed by fear.
If you're up for the challenge, join us on Oct. 25 th for a unique experience you'll always remember during the times where you need it the most.
Register here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Training with Anthony Kleeman
So when I finally got to work on my weapon skills (something I've been fascinated about since I'm about 6 years old ever since my father put a stick in my hands for me to learn) I felt right at home and comfortable working with Doce Pares Master Instructor, Anthony Kleeman.
It was like meeting a close cousin, many of the concepts and techniques were very similar to Fang Shen Do.
But taking from my own advice of having a Beginner's Mind even when doing something you're familiar with, paid off.
You must already know what the little phrase that kills development is.
It goes something like: "I already know that"
If you catch yourself saying that to yourself when reading, training, or at a seminar, make it a point to add the words: "But I need to learn it again"
It goes back to my point last week about reminding yourself.
How many things do you know but you haven't implemented or taken action on.
It's challenging enough to keep the things that matter the most to you at the forefront of your thoughts without also having the kind of "closed-mind-I-already-know-that" attitude that can stunt your growth.
Just something to look out for.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Friday, August 28, 2009
New Instructor in Kanata: Mike Klassen
The same is true with our School Owners.
We are constantly re-evaluating our team and holding them to high standards to make sure our students get the best training possible.
If those high standards of vision, loyalty, minimum hours on the mat, dedication, character, leadership, team spirit, personality, core values are not met, the Owner is replaced by a more suitable one.
This is why we're announcing that if you live in the Kanata area and are looking to start Fang Shen Do training or you're an existing one and you want to continue your advancement in the FSD system you'll be happy to know we have a new instructor coming your way.
His name is Mike Klassen.
Mike has a long list of credentials when it comes to his martial art training and background.
Having lived in Japan for a big portion of his life and trained in Judo since the age of 8 under the tutelage of Sensei Sato (a 10 th dan Master), eventually receiving his black belt in 1998, his training and dedication paid off when he won the 1999 Heavyweight Judo Championships in Ontario.
That same year Mike was introduced to Fang Shen Do by Sifu Stephane Patenaude, Sifu Patrick, and Sifu Scott whom were all working at the Cabin (a local bar in Ottawa) as Bouncers.
He shares one story of watching Sifu Patrick who is not very imposing physically, handle a group of guys double his size using only kicking techniques. (As you know using kicks in a real confrontation is dangerous but it's the way he used his kicks to totally intimidate his larger patrons that needed to be escorted out that really impressed him).
Not long after, Mike was invited to a training and demo in Orleans given by Sifu Stephane and Sifu Patrick.
He was blown away by something he had never seen before: Aggressive Closing Techniques.
It was the kind of techniques he really needed, especially with him being a bouncer and even more so after working at one of the roughest clubs in Ottawa (the Factory).
He's personnally used FSD techniques on many occasions with a 100% success rate.
Mike also came in handy in 2003 to help prepare Sifu Patrick and Sifu Scott's Cage Fight in the now dismantled WECF (which grouped fighters from the IFC, UCC, and UGC, which have all regrouped under TKO).
With only 2 weeks preparation both Sifus won their matches and Sifu Scott, to the promoter's dismay, also beat the reigning heavyweight champion that night.
Since then Mike has trained in Richmond, Manotick, Orleans and Toronto.
A father of two, a successful real estate agent and now FSD Owner.
Mike is ready to share with you a world of experience, he has a big heart, is passionate about martial arts and can't wait to help you reach your goals.
If you'd like to get in touch with Mike or Sifu Stephane for classes and to book your free month pass go here.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What are you willing to settle for?
What a great question.
It's the kind of question that puts everything in perspective.
What will you settle for physically?
An out of shape body, "taking it" as it comes and hoping to live a long vibrant life?
Is it letting your body deteriorate prematurely by exposing it to fast food, smoking, or drugs?
Or is it finally not having to worry about your weight by making daily exercise just as routine as brushing your teeth or taking a shower.
Maybe it's reaching a level of health, strength and endurance you can be proud of, taking your health in your own hands and leading an active lifestyle where no sport or activity is considered "Off Limits".Isn't it time you finally mastered this area about yourself, feeling good in your skin and feeling like you're in total control of your body?
Here's the system I personally use to stay in top physical shape and this, in only minutes a day.
Our students already use this method of training with great results which is why alot of them possess the "at home" version of this course as well. Get started now.
Master Yourself,
Sibok M
P.S. Naturally once you're done asking yourself what you'll settle for physically, you'll want to ask yourself the same question for, what will you settle for emotionally and romantically? What will you settle for financially? What will you settle for in your carreer? Ask yourself these questions and see how quickly you feel recharged and unwilling to settle for second best.
You might also be interested in gaining more clarity about what you really want by joining us during our next Live Firewalk Event held on Oct. 25 th. To register go here.