Sunday, January 20, 2008

Are you ready for action?

If you're like most.


Some people will never change.

They are stuck in their ways, repeating the same destructive behavior for years before realizing they need help. For some, sometimes it's too late.

Habits are hard to break, if you don't change your way of thinking.

Sometimes it just doesn't "hurt enough", therefore we tolerate it until we get fed up and do something about it. But most never make it to the fed up stage.

Smoking one cigarette a day doesn't hurt anyone. Then one cigarette eventually becomes 1 pack and 1 pack becomes 3 and so on. Until you get "emphysema". Then you're really motivated to change your ways, aren't you? Why wait to get to that point to break the habit?

Maybe it's pushing to tomorrow what could of been done today?

Maybe it's always putting work before family?

If you take a minute to think about it, you'll find at least one thing that needs to be worked on.

It takes 21 days to break or implement a new habit.

Let's take the habit of Daily Exercise.

To some, exercise is a scary word.

To most, exercise means work and work means pain. When you think about it, pain is only a signal passing through the nervous system. What if we could "dim" that signal to eventually block it completely?

The first thing you should do is incorporate fitness training in your daily routine.

For example, when you wake up in the morning before going to the bathroom you pump out 10 Squats.

Then as you're brushing your teeth with your opposite hand, you hold your balance on one foot.

After that you do 10 push-ups. And so on.

This way you don't realize you're exercising, you're playing a trick on your mind.

If you need any other ideas of "what to do" during your day, pick up a strength training kit here in case, as I suspect, you find yourself deviating from your goals this year.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

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