Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Learn from a 7 mth old

You might think: "This ain't gonna happen"

As you might know I'm a father of three. When I was holding my baby girl today she taught me a valuable lesson we all need to remember.

I had her sitting on my lap and she reached out to grab a toy. For the next 30 minutes she was totally focused on the toy.

Nothing else seemed to exist or matter.

She picked it up, turned it, threw it, drooled on it, hugged it. On and on she did this without losing focus.

If a 7 month old can do this, I suppose an adult can do this?

Are you able to stay focused on one thing for at least 30 minutes and do it well?

Do you try doing too many things all at once when it comes to your fitness training?

Things like: a gotta do my abs, gotta do my legs, gotta do cardio, etc...

Our strength training kits lets you put everything on auto-pilot and lets you focus on the most important thing:

DOING the thing.

Not thinking about it, organizing it, contemplating about it, or analyzing it.

The goal is to get in the zone. And the way to do that is just: START.

Everything will flow from there.

Fitness Training should be like Playing: Effortless

Want to know how to make every aspect of fitness training effortless?

Reach for our strength training kits right here.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

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