Wednesday, January 16, 2008

He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches.


That is a quote from George Bernard Shaw.

I totally disagree with him.

Teaching takes you from being average to pretty decent in no time flat.

Anyone who has taught will tell you they greatly improved their own abilities by teaching it to someone else.

It forces you to know the material, you need to be able to demonstrate it, makes you verbalize it, which in turn guarantees you'll never forget it.

A good teacher realizes he can learn as much from the student as the student does from him.

You now know another method to staying motivated this year with your goals.
I told you I wouldn't let you down!

The secret is in Teaching.

As soon as you get our strength training kits, call up a friend, wife, husband, son, daughter and show them what you've learned.

You'll quickly get a better understanding of the exercises and will help you master your own technique at the same time.

But first, you need to have something to show them, something of value. Show them your new Strength training kit. Pick it up right here.

Aim Higher Together,

Sibok Martin

P.S. Having a training partner is another way to stay motivated this year.
Get one now.

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