Sunday, February 10, 2008

10 secrets you need to know

When you're a martial artist you always look for ways to improve yourself. There is no limit that cannot be broken. I think some of the toughest people on earth are martial artists.

And I'm not just talking physically. If you are one, my congratulations to you, but remember that just joining a school and putting on the schools' uniform doesn't make you one instantly.

True martial artists will develop themselves in ALL aspects of their life, leaving no stone unturned until every area has been covered.

If you're not one you seriously need to consider it. No other activity will teach you the life skills and character development that comes with training in Fang Shen Do.

We take martial art training very seriously and want to help you get yours started.

In our book you'll learn the 10 secrets to build a rock-solid martial art foundation. It's simple and concise, a first step in the right direction. You'll find it here.

Master Yourself,

Sibok Martin

P.S Within these pages holds the recipe to lay the ground-work required to get you started. It's important to create strong roots, once those are in place, you won't ever lose your focus.

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