Saturday, February 2, 2008

Do you consider yourself fit?

The day you do is the day you start stagnating and not pushing yourself as much.

You want to stay away from complacency, it destroys motivation.

Strength training is a journey not a destination.

I don't consider myself fit. Nor will I ever be. By thinking this way you keep your internal flame permanently ON.

Follow this advice and you're on your way to some major long lasting results.
I did say long-lasting. It's easy to get results in 3 mths.

Maintaining it, is another story.

Reminds me of this little saying my dad told me once:
  • "You fight like hell to get it.
  • You fight like hell to maintain it,
  • Then you fight like hell not to lose it."

Will you lose it once you get it?

You have to make sure to transfer this philosophy in every area of your life.

In any area, I don't care which one, if you become satisfied you eventually lose something. Your wife, your job, your health, your confidence, your self-esteem, or respect.

Appreciate what you set out to get. Once you "get", take care of it like you would a fruit plant. Keep it alive and feed off the fruits it will harvest for many years to come.

You won't have to fight like hell to get our strength training kits. All you have to do is click here.

Maintain Yourself,

Sibok Martin

P.S With the right knowledge, maintaining your physical fitness is both fun and gratifying.

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