Sunday, September 21, 2008

A few ruffled feathers

Looks like I ruffled a few feathers about my Marion Dewar e-mail a few days ago. Getting a few angry e-mails.

The thing is, I was angry when I wrote that e-mail.

If I can help just one person not fall and not die, I'm willing to take the risk of being criticized as an opportunist.

I'm just looking out for the people who are still alive.

Why avoid the problem when we can face it head on?

A tragedy yes, and my heart goes out to the family of Mrs. Dewar, accidents like these can be avoided and I'm trying to help the best way I know how, and that's training in martial arts.

A break-fall can be learned in 2 minutes and there are many other ways to build awareness when you're training.

Like I said before, it is primordial that you master yourself.

Be strong, be fit and be aware,

Sifu Martin

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