Monday, September 22, 2008

Life is too short

This morning, as I write this, I realize the fragility of Life.

How some people's time here is too short.

Such is the case for my friend and business partner, Sifu Alain, who's father passed away late last week. The service is today from 2 pm to 5 pm and from 7 pm to 10 pm in Montreal at Urgel Bourgie, 1120 Jean Talon East if you happen to be in the area.

For those of you who wish to send messages of condolences to Sifu Alain and his family, please send them here.

Today's e-mail is a reminder to seize the day, live life to the fullest, take a chance, do what you love, and cherish the moments you have with the ones who are most dear to you.

Sifu Martin

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