Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who do YOU surround yourself with?

Woke up at 5 am to board a plane today, flying over Toronto and heading for Tampa with my Dad for an important seminar.

Coincidentally I came across an ex-student who's an inspector at the security check point who tells me he'll be back shortly with his niece and nephew.

Once I board the plane I run into yet another student, she happens to be one of the flight attendants.

All this back to back. Weird.

Reminds me how far you can go with the right contacts. Who do YOU surround yourself with?

Birds of the same feather flock together.

Are you surrounded with high achievers?

People you can model who are doing and getting the results that you want in your training. Things like endurance, flexibility, speed, power and choosing the right food to fuel your body.

If you have any hope of developing outstanding health, strength and success find someone who's living those goals now.

Become part of our inner Circle group where each month I coach you through advanced workouts & drills, nutrition, and personal development to get you where you want to be...FAST.

It's easy and you get 2 surprise gifts just for signing up today.

Master Yourself,

Sifu Martin

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