Thursday, April 17, 2008

Family & Friends fitness

The easiest way to stick to an activity is to find or ask a friend to train with you.

If you've commited to waking up at a certain hour to do your training chances are knowing a friend is waiting for you outside will force you not to miss.

The power of a partner is quite amazing, here's a quick list of why you should find a training partner:

-you can push your limits

-you have a way to measure your progress (against your partner)

-you have friendly competition

-you can model your partner if they are better than you

-you are held accountable to them

-once you've mastered your own body weight you can start using theirs in certain exercises.

-you can work through plateaus together

-And if your training partner is a spouse or family member it strengthens your bond with each other.

Families and couples that train together stay together.

You feel like you have a common goal and you both realize there's no need to "let yourself go" after a certain age.

Some women let themselves go after having kids. Some men do the same after a certain age.

More and more people never even start a fitness and strength program let alone stick with one.

Avoid falling into that trap. Refuse to let your health and vitality dwindle away.

Hook up with a training partner today and start putting our Partner Conditioning program to the test, it's especially conceived for team training. The best drills and exrecises to do with a partner.

Master Yourself (and someone else),

Sifu Martin

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