Monday, April 28, 2008

Progressive Strength Building

What a weekend!

We held our "Advanced Sifu Workouts" on Sunday.

It gave everyone a prequel to the Advanced Strength Training Kit which will be made available very shortly.

You will find it interesting to see how an exercise taught in the basic kit evolves and becomes progressively more challenging.

A quick example would be Pelvic Lifts leads to Back Bends.

Back Bends leads to Wall Walking.

Wall Walking Leads to Falling into Bridge.

Falling into Bridge leads to Kick-Overs.

If your workouts always stay the same you will hit a plateau. You need to alter the exercises.

Change the order. Increase repetitions. Increase time held in each position (set new records every workout), and make the exercise progressively harder. With our strength training kits it's built into the system.

There are millions of workout combinations and 5 different time intervals to choose from.

You might of heard the phrase: "Success is a moving target". Well the same goes for Fitness.

Fitness is a moving target.

It is not a destination but a journey. A journey I hope you commit to for the rest of your life.

To help you stay commited and always striving to be stronger, healthier and faster our strength training kits are available to be put to good use now. Pick one up right here.

Master Yourself,

Sifu Martin

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